Able to walk with a walker--thankful for this miracle already.
Thanks to good 'ol technology, I was able to send my surgeon a photo from my smartphone this morning, so he could see for himself what was going on and advise me.
Later today, having nursing and physical therapy to the house and am glad to have yet another set of eyes on me, while I heal up.
Emotionally, it's trying.
I am a very active and structured person, and for now I am just physically limited--no getting around it.
As I push myself to walk, I can see my body pushing back to give it more time.
Overall, I am determined to get back to myself with G-d's merciful help.
I've already logged onto work--telework--and been in touch with my team trying to keep things moving forward.
I'm also here, on the blogosphere, sharing my experience.
While in the hospital orthopedic unit, I got to meet many others with similar or even worse situations.
One guy had a knee replacement in January and was already back and had his hip done.
Another, I was told had one hip done, followed about 2 weeks later, by the other one.
All sorts of amazing stories of people fighting to recover and get back on their feet, literally.
One more time, I just want to say how my wife has been amazing through all of this, and I can't thank her enough.
And truly, as my parents told me, "If you have your health, you have everything!"
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)