This pup has the life.
Pink car.
Vanity license plate.
And a smoothie in the cup for breakfast.
Lifestyles of the rich and famous...
While the homeless are sleeping in the gutters! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
This pup has the life.
Pink car.
Vanity license plate.
And a smoothie in the cup for breakfast.
Lifestyles of the rich and famous...
While the homeless are sleeping in the gutters! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Catered To Pup
All the greedy and corrupt power players at the table with their fancy suits, money, gold, and properties around the globe.
And their game is sustained up on the bent backs of the simple people with nothing (not even clothing).
But a Seeing Eye (and a Hearing Ear) in Heaven is watching the evil perpetrated.
Eventually, faith tells us that the game will be over and the simple hard-working people will be fully restored and the corrupt will suffer their just desserts. ;-)
(Source Photo: Facebook)
Stand Up!
It's Gazillions Baby!
Some People Got Money
Every Day Is Women's Day
Social Inequality To Make You Sick
In Every World, The Haves And Have Nots
Why We Expect Nothing