The standout here was obviously the hair!
The girl on the left had Barbie pink hair.
The one on the right had blond dyed hair with the roots showing.
And the lady in the middle had two-tone hair, with brown on one side and blond on the other (now that was really different).
This reminded me of the hippies' hairstyle in terms of the perhaps rebellious nature of the style.
In Judaism, I remember learning that hair is like the crown on a person's head, and for modesty, the custom is for married women to cover their beautiful hair--it is only something that gets shown/shared with her husband as part of their intimacy.
Hair can say a lot, especially if you are fortunate enough to still have some (lol).
It can be uncombed and messy like a mad professor's, finely brushed and cared for like Trump's, or even transplanted to cover the onset of unwanted bald spots.
Like a horse's or lion's mane, hair frame's a person and can make the plain or even unsightly, more attractive and desirable; at the same time, if not properly cared for and groomed, it can make a person look disheveled and even crazy.
Of course, hair is just what tops off the person and is only skin deep, so looks (including hair) can be defining or oh, so deceiving.
Hair or hairless, groomed or gross--it's a reflection and a statement of how we're looking to each other. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)