So its day 18 of the Federal government shutdown.
The first couple of weeks wasn't so bad, because it was the holidays and vacation time ("use or lose"), so I think most people didn't miss work that much.
Also, people got paid at the end of December, since the pay cycle is on a two week lag.
For the first part of the shutdown, there is errands to run and things to catch up on--those things that you always wish you had the time for and well now you do.
But by now, you've already done those errands and cleaned your house and car, shinned up your shoes, and even caught up on some reading.
Then we also have the missed payroll coming at the end of the week. For those families that are on a single income, this is particularly hard, and even where one partner is working, still your income in cut in half.
You can't go out shopping like this!
You also can't go anywhere--like away--because you need to be available to be back at work on a day's notice--whether or not it looks like that day is ever coming or not!
Another concern for those that care about their work and getting things accomplished, is that work is like a moving train, and when there is momentum, things can get done--even at the "pace of government." But when you come to a full stop like this for an extended period of time, then it will definitely take some time to get everyone back on board the train and for it to get moving at a decent clip again. Let's face it, you can't just turn people on and off like a light switch--you're dealing with human beings with feelings, plans, and bills.
Maybe the worst part about the shutdown is feeling like a pawn in the big boys and girls game of Washington Politics--even if you feel the border wall is important, which I certainly do, as federal employee, you still don't want to feel like the sacrificial lamb.
Why Congress and the President can't compromise and give the $5 billion for the wall for something in return like immigration reform or even just give half and call it a day is really beyond my comprehension.
Out of our $4.4 trillion a year federal budget, how does it make any sense to begrudge a couple of billion for a wall to bring order to the chaos at our southern border--can anyway say "caravan?"
Let's face it, drug smuggling, human trafficking, dangerous gangs and terrorists, and illegal crossings have no place in a civilized country, especially the United States of America.
At some point, our politicians seem to have lost their passion for and dedication to what's actually good for America and instead replaced it with identity politics and a sick insatiable greed for power, plain and simple.
All sides need to be patriots and not political kingpins, and they need to give a little to get a little for the betterment of our country overall--maybe then we can move forward.
And by the way, it would be great at some point to let us go back to work and do our jobs. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

What Does A Government Shutdown Feel Like