What a gem this Nikki Haley is. One nation, the United States, speaking truth about the bias and hate of the UNJust, United Nations against the lone democracy in the Middle East, Israel. How refreshing to have clarity of foreign policy after 8 years of - Disastrous and secretive Iranian deals - Bending over backwards for Radical Islamist terrorism - Tension and military escalation with Russia, China, and North Korea - Meltdown in Crimea, Syria, Yemen, Benghazi, and more - Rise and proliferation of ISIS across the Middle East - Weakening of the U.S. Military including our nuclear deterrent - Shameful UN resolution 2334 All of these, which speaks volumes to the Obama years of foreign policy debacles, one on top of another. While the fake news, New York Times, again published utter nonsense about President Trump needing to clarify his foreign policy when nothing could be further from the truth. President Trump has made absolutely clear his support for Israel, Japan, UK, and other true friends and allies of America are crystal clear. The President has also made it clear that he will not tolerate bad behavior towards the United States from rogue terrorist nations like Iran and North Korea. Further, the President has made clear that he seeks better relations with Russia and at the same time a more robust NATO that can actually contributes to it's defense and has the muscle to show for it. Finally, we have a doctrine of peace through strength and the implementation that is backing it up. Anyone wonder why the New York Times isn't following, let alone reporting on the real news? And how different could this be than the obscurity and chaos of Obama's disappearing red lines all over the globe. ;-)
So was very glad to read this week about a top Sunni cleric who called for educational reform to combat "extremist violence."
Sheik Ahmend al-Tayeb, a grand imam in Cairo said "corrupt interpretations" of the Koran and of Muhammad was leading to a rise of Middle East-based terrorism.
This to hopefully stem the flow of what is now being reported as 20,000 foreign fighters flocking to join ISIS.
What is amazing here is that good Muslim people are recognizing the problem with radicalization, extremism, and violence and are speaking out.
Yet, many of our own leaders in the Western world still refuse to say the dirty words "Islamic terrorism."
The President saying instead: "No religion is responsible for terrorism--people are responsible for violence and terrorism."
So perhaps, according to this "logic," no movement is responsible for what their people do--only the individuals are?
And therefore, accordingly, the Nazis would not be responsible for the Holocaust, nor America for Slavery, nor Communism for political purges, oppression, and violation of human rights, etc. etc.
...in which case, there would be no apologies, no regrets, no reparations, no museums, no memorials, nothing--because this was just some individuals doing some bad things and those individuals are may no longer even be here with us.
Doesn't this ignore the very basic and fundamental fact that when the masses follow a movement's (genuine or distorted) ideological teachings of hatred, racism, and discrimination, and the people act act nefariously on this, then does not the movement itself hold some responsibility for the murderous and evil actions committed based on their doctrine?
The Sheik who denounced terror and called for changes to the education in the Muslim community is recognizing what apparently many of our own leaders refuse to, which is that they--and we--are responsible for what is taught and tolerated in our communities.
As Peggy Noonan recently wrote, "The reality is that the Islamic State is...very Islamic.
Currently, we are fighting a war on radical Islamic terrorism...whether that terror is committed on Charlie Hebdo, a Jewish grocery store, or the World Trade Centers.
That does not mean that tomorrow, we are not fighting against some other movement's treachery.
This is why good people everywhere must stand up and speak out when they see religions, governments, institutions, or other movements preach and teach lies, hatred, and terror.
Bad (or hijacked good) movements drive bad actors...so we must not only go after the bad guys, but also hold the movements themselves to account.
We must demand that the lies and distortions be called out for what they are and that truth and virtue be held up in its place. ;-)
(Source Photo: here with attribution to Front Page Magazine)
Andy Blumenthal is Deputy Program Director at the U.S. Department of Commerce. Blumenthal is a dynamic, award-winning leader with over 35 years of experience delivering results across the public and private sectors. All opinions are his own.