So different than the immediate vigilance after the attacks of 9/11 is the sleepiness of our security establishment now.
Recently, I noticed a security guard not on lookout, but rather on video games on his smartphone while standing post.
And then again coming down the street today, another guard (no child that is) was putting up handprints on the fogged up glass instead of having their hands safely on (or off) their trigger.
What was even more frightening was that the guard abruptly turns around while handprinting the windows, as if I did something wrong just walking by, and says to me, "You scared me!"
To which I promptly replied, "Really, you're the one with the gun!"
It's incredible how far we have fallen security-wise after the attacks from New York to Paris and Orlando to Kiryat Arba.
In the Wall Street Journal today, Bret Stephens writes, "It's depressing to think that the only way the world might understand the truth about terrorism is to have some experience of it."
Why do we have to be lazy and lackadaisical, playing around with people's lives, instead of with it and ready to prevent the next one and the next one? ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)