I haven't worn glasses for over 14 years--since I had the Lasik procedure done.
Now, at the optometrist, he tells me, "Oh everyone ends up getting glasses whether you had Lasik or not."
He says: "Usually, people need reading glasses starting between the ages of 42-45."
Crud...back to those darn things again.
I remember in 1999 when I had Lasik, it was still a pretty new procedure, but my best friend and his wife had just gotten it and convinced me to go for it too.
Well, it wasn't what I expected and when they clamped my eye open and the doctor tells me to stare at a the little red light as the laser comes up to my eye...I was thinking to myself...this is NUTS!
But it actually went from bad to worse.
As the doctor starts working on the first eye, all of a sudden, he goes, "Uh-oh!"
What type of doctor is this that says oh-uh, and what in G-d's name did he do to me.
Well, he composes himself after pulling away and finishes, but then stops and says he'll talk to me afterwards.
As it turns out, as he pulled on the eye, something called the epithelium, a piece suddenly flaked off the eye.
Nothing seriously actually happened--no ill sides effects, but those 2 words while under the laser, "Uh-oh," really sent the shivers up my spine.
Let's just say, while I am glad I didn't have to wear glasses these last 14 years, the experience was a little traumatic.
I remember one other time in my life--when I experienced the Uh-oh moment--this time, I was actually the one uttering the Uh-oh.
It was right after I got married, and we had this cool idea that I would give my wife a haircut.
So, I start cutting and I'm thinking hey, this isn't so hard...and it's fun...and we also get to save money (hey, we were just starting out in life).
Then, I keep cutting and cutting not realizing how much I was taking off...at one point, my wife starts getting antsy and she says, "So how's it going (knowing that something wasn't right)?"
Then it hits me, I suddenly blurt out the big "Uh-oh!
My wife goes, "What did you do?"
Of course, I started to worry and couldn't get myself to really say and instead I just start cracking up.
Then she knew I had really messed up...and boy was I in trouble then.
Uh-oh is a phase you never want to hear or say...it means trouble has arrived. ;-)