They don't make these like they used to.
More character than a bell any day of the week.
Knock, knock! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
They don't make these like they used to.
More character than a bell any day of the week.
Knock, knock! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Great Door Knocker
I was literally sitting in the synagogue and crying, watching the speaker sign and listening to the voice from the interpreter. I really believe that all our synagogues, schools, work places, and organizations need to better incorporate diversity and disability into the environment, and not just by paying meaningless lip-service to it, but by enabling everyone to come, feel welcome, participate, and be together as all children of G-d naturally should be.Finally, it was beautiful to have the synagogue let someone who was deaf have the pulpit and the ability to speak to us. It would be so awesome for everyone’s voice to be heard. We take our abilities (such as speaking, hearing, and being mobile) for granted. So let’s design the community with all the people in mind and give everyone a true voice. In the end, it’s not just what they say, but some things are communicated more than words.
A “Sign” of Good Synagogue Character
Some people have great imaginations or does this creature really exist? ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Hanging On The Kids Rides
Never more than today are we living lives of total excess. This week, we saw a Mercedes-Benz 1995 car sell for a record-breaking $142 million. Last month in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, authorities seized a Russian oligarch’s $793 million mega yacht. And this last year, Morgan Stanley predicted that Elon Musk may eventually become the world’s first trillionaire.In a world where marketing, sales, advertising, branding, and the media all seek to convince us that life is essentially about “things,” self-satisfaction, the next high, and happiness, we can easily forget how transient and valueless all that really is. Inside each of us though there is a deeper, true voice that seeks a life of real meaning, purpose and immortality, where faith, compassion, giving, and self-sacrifice is the true measure of our character and the ultimate gauge of life success.
Measuring Success Like G-d
When we had heroes in the real world there were also superheroes on television, movies, video games, toys, and more.
But alas leadership in our times has seriously fallen short.
Who is there to really look up to as a model for us to respect and follow?
It seems like everywhere these days we are confronted by:
- Failing leadership
- Poor decision-making
- Party politics
- Obstructionism
- Finger-pointing
- Fraud, waste, and abuse
- Bullying and sexual harassment
- Bribery and kleptocracy
- Big time narcissism
There are few if any heroes these days!
It's sad for us as well as for our children.
I hope we see Batman and Superman and other superheroes again: strong in the physical sense but primarily a symbol for strength of character/integrity and for the fight of good over evil in this world.
The void is painful for our times and is going to impact our near term future as well. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Where Have All The Heroes Gone?
A wife is listening to the radio and she hears that a car is dangerously going in the wrong direction on the highway.
Immediately, she calls her husband to tell him about the car going in the wrong direction, and to be careful.
He husband replies: One car going in the wrong direction...there are hundreds of cars going in the wrong direction!
Wrong Direction--Who Stands For The Truth?
You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have."(Source Graphic: Andy Blumenthal)
Be Strong!
It's Fight or Surrender!
How Angry Do You Get?
That Look On Their Face
The Heart and Soul Of The Matter
Strong Coffee People
"A Character Building Day!"
Character Building Day
@Bethesda Trolley Trail
"Live for something
Die for nothing!"
Live 4 Something
Ooh That Is Good
Big Mouths Alert
"With age comes oldness."
"With age, comes baldness."
Aging Is A Process
May it please you to bless your people Israel at all times and in every hour with your peace. Blessed are you, O Lord, who blesses his people Israel with peace.
Bestow peace, goodness and blessing, life, graciousness, kindness and mercy, upon us and upon all Your people Israel...May it be favorable in Your eyes to bless Your people Israel, at all times and at every moment, with Your peace.And yet a third time at the end...
He who makes peace in His heavens, may He make peace for us and for all Israel; and say, Amen.What can be more desired than peace and wellness in our lives?
Courage To Do The Right Thing
Tznius Police