He was being interviewed by the media.
But the protesters drowned him out with chants of "Shame" and "Shame on you!"
Similar to the series Game Of Thrones, where the evil Queen Cersis must "Take the walk of shame" for sleeping with and having a child with her own brother.
She must walk through the city with all the people yelling "Shame" at her, spitting on her, throwing rotten vegetables at her, etc.
There is no place to hide.
Her hair has been shorn off.
Her clothes have been stripped from her.
Without her clothes and pretense, she is naked, but she is also naked because her soul is bearing her sin before everybody.
This week life imitated art and the protesters stood in judgment over Senator Manchin's decision to vote yes for and support Kavanaugh.
He was surrounded by shame.
It was not meant to be politic, respectful, or open any sort of dialogue, but simply to tear the Senator down and humiliate him for his decision.
I could imagine how he must feel being surrounded by all these people telling him he was a disgrace and that should be completely ashamed of himself.
There seemed no one left to strand up for him, defend him, and let him save face.
I am not saying his decision was right or wrong, just that when seemingly everybody passes judgment on you as evil and a disgrace, there is no where to hide or anyone to defend himself in this mob lynching.
I imagine that this feeling of shame is sort of what happens when we die and we must face everyone we dealt favorably and unfavorably with.
For those who we wronged, the chant of shame echoes through G-d's heavenly court.
There is no place to hide as we must now pay the piper for each and every thing we did or didn't do.
Our deeds are no longer hidden, but exposed for everyone to see.
We cannot pretend to be good when we were not.
The veil and pretense of righteousness disintegrates.
We are exposed for who we really are.
Our true selves and our sins are there in full sight and for which we must bear out our ultimate shame. ;-)
(Source Graphic: Andy Blumenthal)