September 24, 2024
August 5, 2024
March 4, 2024
November 27, 2023
May 2, 2023
February 22, 2023
November 21, 2021
Sad Sad Umbrella
It's the saddest umbrella in the world. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Sad Sad Umbrella
July 14, 2021
Amusement Park Painting
It was literally just sitting at the top of the garbage!
The merry-go-round, the ferris wheel, the flume, the hot air ballon, the children and even the man selling the cotton candy.
This is way to nice, colorful, and happy to be in the trash.
One man's trash is another man's treasure.
I hope this was rescued and put back up on a wall somewhere that it can be enjoyed by everyone. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Amusement Park Painting
February 19, 2021
Trashy Advertising
Great advertising by this garbage company.
On the back of the truck, it says:
Let's Talk Trash
And there is a garbage can afterwards for emphasis!
I like this trashy trash company brand because it works. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Trashy Advertising
October 21, 2019
3 Types of Dumping
"No Dumping"
Dumping can refer to at last 3 different types of things and none of them are any good:
1) Dogs - When people are inconsiderate with the animals and they take a "dump" and people don't clean up after them (leaving the messy stink for you to step in).
2) Trash - When people throw their trash in the dump or what they consider to be a convenient dumping ground and they make a huge mess of the surroundings (like the used mattress on the side of the road).
3) Emotions - When people dump their emotions and problems on others; they just sort of let it all out and while they may feel better (i.e. a nice catharsis), now you feel like sh*t!
Overall, I can't think of any good connotation to dumping, so maybe people should stop doing it--dogs, trash, and problems. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
3 Types of Dumping
October 15, 2018
The United Nations At Work For You!
In case you wondered why the United Nations is always so full of sh*t?
- When the U.N. is done aimlessly sitting around watching on the sidelines while weapons of mass destruction proliferate, millions are being killed, maimed or made into refugees, and genocide and war crimes are occurring...
- When the U.N. is done elevating dictators, sponsors of terrorism, and human rights abusers...
- When the U.N. is done denigrating and making endless anti-Semitic resolutions against the democratic and Holy Land of Israel...
- When the U.N. is done laughing at the President of the United States and his accomplishments...
This is what the UNjust United Nations spends our valuable time and dollars on.
This photo of a U.N. garbage truck say it all.
Perhaps, this is the only thing that the U.N. is actually good at!
(Thank you to a good friend for forwarding this photo to me)
The United Nations At Work For You!
July 26, 2018
Pet Rock 2018
One, cool idea, looks nice and fun to make.
Two, it reminded me of the Pet Rocks in the 1970s that made millions (this one was hippie even though those back then weren't actually even colored).
A business guy came up with the idea to sell smooth rocks from Mexico beach and market them as pets.
Yeah, they are so lovable and easy to care for!
It was one of the great branding and marketing events of the 20th century.
Who would think people would actually spend money on a plain dumb rock that you could basically pick up off the street?
But incredibly, putting the rock in a box with holes (so the rock could breath) and sitting it on a little stack of hay with an joke of instruction book for caring for your rock, SOLD.
And in fact, over 1,500,000 rocks were sold at a pop of $4 each.
The guy became a millionaire and got rid of a truckload of worthless rocks.
Yes, "One man's garbage is another man's treasure!"
But surely this was getting a little ridiculous.
Hey, I'll give you a nickle for the shinny painted rock in the photo here. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Pet Rock 2018
June 14, 2018
Missed The Shot But Someone Else Got It
Like many of these, it has a small opening hole at the top to convey that only bottles and cans (like it says on the side) should be put in for recycling--no garbage.
When I was walking by quickly, I took the shot, attempting to throw in my bottle.
But it bounced off the rim and landed on the floor.
Before I could even turn around to pick it up, I saw another gentleman behind me swoop in and pick up the garbage and put it in the can for me.
I tell you that I was really quite amazed.
He could have easily said, I missed the can and so I should just pick up my own trash off the floor and throw it out--that's only right!
Instead, it was in his mind nothing to do this random act of kindness and he picked up my trash.
I know it sounds like a nothing burger, but to me, it represented just a real decency from another human being.
Not standing on ceremony.
Not being too hoity-toity to pick up the garbage.
Rather just saw something that needed to get done and doing it.
I tell you that as much as some people disappoint me with their arrogance and evilness, others are genuinely good people.
This is what it's all about--the good people showing the bad people what kindness, generosity, and humanity is all about.
To the evil f*ckers out there--who are arrogant, materialistic takers, haters, bullies, aggressors, and abusers--to h*ll with you!
To the good people--keep doing good and let the good win over the evil every single time. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Missed The Shot But Someone Else Got It
June 8, 2018
Helmet Head
We work hard during the week, right.
Today in the office, we replaced some old metal clunker garbage cans with some new clean plastic ones.
The old ones, every time you threw a bottle or anything hard out, it made a crazy loud banging noise disrupting everyone.
I started to joke with my colleagues that the dirty, heavy old cans were more useful as a helmet in case of emergency evacuation of something.
So today the old metal junk cans got a happy face helmet head and a prestigious place next to the office plants.
Everyone had a good hearty laugh!
Honestly, it's wonderful to be incredibly productive and accomplish a lot for the people, the mission, and all the stakeholders, and at the same time know how to have some fun and make people happy.
Good for morale and good for teamwork! ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Helmet Head
June 7, 2018
That's Some Pricey Garbage Art
So we stopped in this gallery in Palm Beach.
And there lay this piece of "art".
Well, I'm not sure--is this really art?
The proprietor explained that this is made up of scrap pieces of metal from the garbage dump like from old discarded automobiles.
The artist welded the garbage together, painted it, and voila there it is--some very pricey art.
Who pricey you ask.
Take a guess.
No really.
No, you're too low.
Try again.
No, you're still too low.
Not even in the ballpark.
Okay, I'll tell you, but only because you asked so nicely.
It starts with a 95.
No, not $9,500.
No, not $95,000 either.
That's right $950,000!!!
All this "art" can be yours if the price is right.
Can anyone say "irrational exuberance" again? ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
That's Some Pricey Garbage Art
January 25, 2018
Messed Up By Norton Clean
Oy, what a mistake.
This tool is not ready for prime time.
It's supposed to optimize memory and clean up duplicate and residual files.
But in my experience, it swept up more good files than junk files.
And I ended up having to pull my files back from the trash and manually restore them to their file structure.
What a pain in the you know what!
Artificial intelligence--not way the I see this utility/tool.
If you don't pay attention, you can lose a lot of important information.
Yes, it gives you a chance to review the files, but then what do you really need this cleaning tool to begin with.
Maybe you have a different experience, I can only speak for myself.
But a little human intelligence goes a long way to sift through the wheat from the chaff--that's what your files really need anyway. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Messed Up By Norton Clean
March 28, 2017
People Literally Eating Garbage
They had flipped open the top, reached in, pulled out a half-drunk cup of something awful looking, and in one shot, gulped it down.
I was choking watching this--it was so upsetting that any human being has to live this way.
Like so many of these poor folks living off the streets, their belly was sick and widely distended.
And their pants were very worn, with holes, and wrapped ill-fittingly around their waist.
They dragged a small suitcase behind them.
When people say that things are bad in their life, perhaps we often don't stop to think about how bad things can really get (bli ayin hara).
G-d should have mercy on his children and bless us not to know any loss, sorrow, pain, suffering, sickness or hunger. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
People Literally Eating Garbage
December 26, 2016
Special Blue Bird
This bird was something special.
I couldn't help admiring his amazingly blue feathers punctuated by the yellow around his smart eyes
He wasn't the only beautiful animal or flower that we saw there, there were many.
They all just left me in wonderment at the unbelievable beauty that G-d created for us in this world.
No one is going to tell me this is all random by evolution, and that there is not a profoundly wise and all-knowing Maker behind it.
Perhaps, we never really left the physical Garden of Eden, but being expelled from there meant more of a mentality where we have to work and fight hard to keep it all pristine.
Mankind's inclination is to take and use abundantly almost without thought as to the sustainability of his actions.
- Cities expand and encroach on natural rural areas.
- G-d's beautiful creatures are in retreat and often in danger of extinction.
- Resources are used willy nilly as we dig and dig, chop and chop, and burn and burn.
- Garbage is expelled and piles up virtually anywhere and everywhere.
- Pollution fills the land, air, and waterways.
Eden is still here, but people must act more like angels and less like snakes if G-d gracious gifts to us are to survive. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Special Blue Bird
January 26, 2016
Plastic Pigs
It's between the West Coast and Hawaii.
And it's called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
Get this...
It's about twice the size of Texas.
Now researchers are predicting that by 2050, our oceans will hold more plastic than fish!
"More than 8 million tons of plastics end up entering our oceans each year."
And we're dumping the equivalent of one garbage truck of plastic into the ocean every minute.
Just 5% of plastic waste gets recycled.
So far there is a 165 million tons of plastic trash in the ocean right now.
The plastic pieces can survive hundreds of years.
We are making a darn mess of this planet.
The 5 cent surcharge for plastic bags is a joke in this respect.
Maybe ISIS actually won't be the end of Western civilization, but plastic will be.
Who's paying off whom to keep this plastic money wagon going to poison our planet? ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Plastic Pigs
June 14, 2015
Smokem Peace Pipe
And in the kitchen, I am re-organizing one of the top cabinets.
I reach in the very back, and I feel something all the way in the corner.
I pick it up and pull it out, and it's this really weird looking smelly pipe.
The pipe has a face on it and a blue and red stone above and below it.
My wife says it looks like a peace pipe, although I've never really seen one of those before.
There are no feathers or pictures of Indians on it, just this crazy-face staring up with crooked teeth and a big schnoz.
Did someone actually smoke this thing?
Ick, washed my hands like 3 times.
Left it on the counter to show the rest of the family.
Throw that G-d darn thing out!
Dirty smokem peace pipe with ugly face heading down the garbage chute--wonder if I should've sold it on ebay. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Smokem Peace Pipe