So I learned many valuable lessons when I worked at the U.S. Secret Service--I loved it there!
But one of the lessons that sticks out it that sometimes you have to take a bullet for the President!
This lesson stayed with me and I believe it applies to a lot of other situations in life as well.
Sometimes you take one for the
- Team
- Cause
- Relationship
It's easy to say you are going to preserve you self by "dodging a bullet," but often it's really just the opposite that is needed.
If you take the bullet, you are putting yourself subordinate to a larger cause and what is really important.
Taking one to safeguard the President of the United States is definitely a larger cause.
But also your team, the success of an important cause or project, precious relationships that have been built over time--these can all mean more than taking even a significant hit.
This doesn't mean to be stupid, become anyone's punching bag or just take people's sh*t for nothing.
Rather what it does mean is that you can suck it up sometimes--when the ends justify the means--and jump in front of that bullet to preserve something bigger and more important than just yourself.
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Talking The Bullet
So it's not supposed to be this way.
While of course, there is a media bent, it's not supposed to be a downright bias--the media's job is to report the news, not take absolute sides.
Yet these days, the alt-left media seems most hell bent on incessantly attacking the President and working to delegitimize him.
And the President is calling the news media, "the enemy of the American people."
Russ Limbaugh commented: "The media did not make Donald Trump and they can't destroy him."
It started with the election when biased media outlets "ordered employees to destroy Trump"and tried to convince Americans that he absolutely couldn't win.
And only 4 weeks into the now Trump presidency, they are calling that "Congress should impeach Donald Trump."
What type of Democracy is this?
For eight years, Obama ruled and the media glowed bright with near endless praise--even when things went very wrong, the media played the Secret Service and took the bullet shielding Obama's every move.
Now with the Trump, the media is no longer the Praetorian Guard, but the the assassin in waiting--plotting and maneuvering for their chance to fire the fatal shot.
Will it be Flynn, the Russians, the Islamic Terrorist immigration ban or something entirely else.
The media has the people's ears...they can spread the news or seed gross and even malicious propaganda.
While Trump wants to put America First, many media outlets are instead looking to put Trump out to his final pasture.
When they are targeting the President in such a merciless and endless barrage of negativity and hate, can even President Trump survive?
While the alt-left media--with funding by billionaire George Soros--kicks and punches away with every article and news segment, it's our democracy that is surely taking the power beating and dying the death of bias and overthrow.
(Source Graphic: Andy Blumenthal)
Fake Media