Showing posts with label Israel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Israel. Show all posts

July 22, 2024

Israel Alive

(Photo via Facebook)

July 19, 2024

Prayer for the Brave Soldiers of the IDF!


July 14, 2024

More Than "Just" a Magen David

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "More Than 'Just' a Magen David." 

Our response to antiSemitism and hate should be to embrace our Jewish identity all the more. In the words of the singer Benny Friedman:
I'm a Jew and I'm proud
And I'll sing it out loud
'Cuz forever
And ever
That's what I'll be
I'm a Jew and I'm proud
And without a doubt
Hashem is always watching over me
We are truly in the middle of a global attack on the Jewish people, and we cannot give up even one centimeter in our quest for freedom, peace, and security.

(Credit Photo: Virginia Humanities via


June 23, 2024

Israel Victory: A Marathon, Not a Sprint

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Israel Victory: A Marathon, Not a Sprint."

We've been going on almost 9 months since October 7, and exhaustion is setting in. Many of us are wondering when the war will be won and the hostages will be home so that life can return to normal. However, what many of us aren't seeing is that the terrorists are playing a much longer game. They are willing to endure near-endless suffering and loss of life to achieve the goal of not only a "Palestine" but also a much broader terrorist caliphate. And to that end, they have interwoven a series of intricate false narratives and victimhood.

For us to succeed, we need to dig in our heels and embrace the kind of long-term commitment and unyielding dedication not only to defeating Hamas today but also to the terrorist threat in the long term. Our enemies have a vision of dominion over the West, and we must be committed and united to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to ensure they are completely and utterly defeated and that we are safe and secure forever.

(AI generated image via Designer)


June 16, 2024

Israel's Allies Must Speak Out

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Israel's Allies Must Speak Out."

It seems like the world has turned on Israel, but they are truly not alone, and good people from around the world stand with Israel despite the actions and rhetoric of the vile extremists that support terrorism.

Israel's allies rely on her to fight terror while they keep a "good face" on relations with the Arab community at large. But quiet support is no longer enough. Those who oppose terror must be bold.

(AI generated image via Designer) 


June 8, 2024

A Poem for Noa Argamani

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "A Poem for Noa Argamani."

Noa Argamani, a name etched in our hearts,
Two hundred forty-six days, a story that tears us apart.
Held captive by darkness, by terror’s cruel hand,
Yet hope, a flickering flame, held strong in the sand.

October seventh, a memory etched in our soul,
The image of you, a cry, a story yet untold.
Aboard a Hamas bike, a moment of despair,
But courage in your eyes, a strength beyond compare.

We prayed, oh Noa, with fervor and might,
Tehillim whispered, a beacon in the night.
For you and the others, a hundred and twenty more,
Longing for freedom, yearning to reach our shore.

Today, a miracle unfolds, tears of joy we weep,
Rescue’s embrace, a promise you’d keep.
Reunited with your father, on his birthday so grand,
Coca-Cola in hand, a homecoming unplanned.

Your mother, oh Noa, a fragile thread of life,
But you’re back by her side, no more strife.
Comfort and solace in this sacred embrace,
A family reunited, a love no time erases.

Grateful we are, for Hashem’s watchful eye,
His mercy unending, beneath a clear blue sky.
Noa, an inspiration, your spirit so bright,
Resilience your armor, surviving the night.

We never gave up, the world held its breath,
For you and the others, defying the grip of death.
The Jewish people united, in celebration we stand,
A daughter returned, hope restored to the land.

The IDF, the Yamam, heroes bold and strong,
Their courage unwavering, righting a terrible wrong.
Thank you, oh guardians, for your unwavering might
Bringing our loved ones back to the light.

Noa Argamani, your story etched in time,
A testament to courage, a spirit so sublime.
May peace find its footing, may hatred be quelled
And families forever, forever be held.

(A Reimagination of Rescued Hostage Noa Argamani and Her Father Reunited. Photo transformation by Andy Blumenthal)


Noa Argamani Rescued

Noa was rescued with 3 other hostages from the evil Hamas terrorists.

Thank you Hashem!

(Photo via Twitter)


June 5, 2024

Say Bye Bye to Lebanon

(Photo via Twitter)


June 4, 2024


(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


June 3, 2024

They Low, We Chai

(Photo via Twitter)


May 31, 2024

Free Israel

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


May 19, 2024

Faith and Prayer in the Battle of Good Over Evil

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Faith and Prayer in the Battle of Good Over Evil."

As we fight the forces of darkness and evil in the world—from the haters to the terrorists—we need to strengthen our faith in the One Above because only from Him can come the answers to our most difficult questions, our uplifting in trying times, and the ultimate victory of light and good over darkness and evil.

(AI generated image via Designer)


May 11, 2024

Campus Protests: Time to Pay the Piper

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Campus Protests: Time to Pay the Paper."

Right now, hate-filled anarchists, Marxists, and radicals are foaming and frothing at the mouth, very sure of themselves, and giving phony press conferences, posting “legal observers,” and surrounding and terrorizing innocent people, while the authorities and law enforcement seem to do little to nothing.

Every one of these bad actors has had their fun and lived out their fantasy of independence and “saving the world” (not!) and now it is time when they will pay the piper for their knowing misdeeds. The parents, institutions, “professors,” and our politicians need to wake up now, restore truth and order, and salvage what is left of the shattered credibility and lives of these unfortunate and misguided souls.
(AI generated image via Designer)


May 10, 2024

F-35I Locked and Loaded


(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


May 5, 2024

America Is the Target; Israel Is the Front Line

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "America Is the Target; Israel is the Front Line."

This is not about free speech but about a takeover of America. These vile terrorist supporters are using our very Constitution against us as they falsely cry Islamophobia and free speech, all the while impeding, threatening, and committing acts of violence against students, citizens, and an orderly democracy. It is time for Americans to stop being complacent or fooled by their terrorist talking points and rhetoric of hate, racism, and Communist ideology. In the face of this evil, we are finally seeing Patriots emerge, proudly carrying and defending the American flag, singing the Star-Spangled Banner, and boldly chanting USA!

(AI generated image via Designer) 


April 30, 2024

Free Free Free...Ukraine!

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Free, Free, Free...Ukraine!"

On college campuses across America, why do we hear "free Palestine" but not "free Ukraine" when the Ukrainian issue is so much larger and more deadly?

Russia is the largest country in the world; Israel is one of the smallest.

Russia is totalitarian and aligned with troublesome countries such as China, Iran, and North Korea; Israel is a democracy and one of the closest allies of the USA.

Russia threatens all of NATO with imperialistic expansionist goals and has the potential for escalation to WW3; Israel is fighting for its very existence.

(AI generated image via Designer)


April 21, 2024

By Any Means Necessary

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "By Any Means Necessary."

Modern-day anti-Semitism has taken the form of pro-Hamas supporters on our campuses and in our cities who pretend that they are fighting against colonialism and an occupation of Palestine. They strategically disguise their Jew-hatred by falsely portraying themselves as the victims of oppression. Instead of showing themselves as the vile racists that they are, they attempt to hide as wolves in sheep's clothing. They do this to try and get the world's sympathy and take the mantle of morality and legitimacy through lies and distortion. In so doing, they can call for resistance, intifada, and jihad, and "by any (murderous and abhorrent) means necessary," all the while pretending to be virtuous.

(AI generated image via Designer)


April 7, 2024


May G-d have mercy on his children.

Please give the hostages their freedom.

(Credit Video: Minna Blumenthal)


The Canary in the Antisemitic Coal Mine

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "The Canary in the Antisemitic Coal Mine."

Last night, I woke up in the middle of the night disturbed by the very real nightmare about the rising anti-Semitism from dangerous Hamas supporters in our midst, this occurring less than 80 years after the end of the Holocaust, which saw the murder of six million Jews.

Day after day, week after week now, we see the vile Hamas terrorist supporters acting out in public, screaming, cursing, threatening, blocking, harassing, burning flags, pushing, prodding, and violently attacking others (i.e., Zionists and Jews). In any normal situation, the police would be there protecting the innocent, stopping the harassment, and arresting the violent agitators. But these days, what do we see? The police seem to be doing virtually nothing to stop them.

Without any serious consequences from our law enforcement, courts, or politicians, we can expect things to continue to escalate and get more dangerous.

(AI generated image from Designer)


March 31, 2024

The Occupation Game

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "The Occupation Game."

Since October 7, it has become almost a daily chorus by Hamas and their supporters around the world condemning Israel for “occupation.” However, if you really examine the facts, it becomes clear that the word occupation is nothing more than propaganda and a tool of radical Islam for hate, intifada, jihad, and terrorism.

(AI generated image via Designer)