So have you ever gone to the shoe store, but you forgot to wear socks.
Well, this is what you get to try-on shoes.
These absolutely crappy, thin, brownish wades of disposable nylon socks.
How completely unappealing--especially piled up like this and looking like they are getting reused again and again.
The try-on socks look shitty, feel shitty, and don't help you try-on anything, because they aren't the same density or texture as regular socks.
Talk about penny wise and dollar foolish--if the store won't even invest in a proper pair of socks for their customers, then how much do they value their business?
How about an intelligent shoe store with a little class that actually has some real pairs of socks for their customers, and when you're done they send them out to the cleaners or maybe even let you keep the pair if you buy the shoes! ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Dumb Socks
So lately my feet have been hurting me.
My wife tells me, "Go to Comfort One for new shoes."
I say, "But I don't want to go get nerdy shoes there."
Like in most arguments, my wife wins and in I march, reluctantly, to the store.
First, they take this scan of my feet (something that looks like the picture above) to show me where my foot is getting pressure (and pain).
Okay, well I already know this, but when you see all the red on the picture, I guess it helps to scare you to getting an expensive new pair of orthopedic-like shoes.
But first, they sell me on some arch supports that slides into the shoe...they seem to feel pretty good, and in fact, after walking around in them for a little while, I actually miss them when I finally take them off.
Give me back those darn arch supports, will ya?
Next, we see these amazing Mephisto shoes (with "soft-air technology")...made in Europe...the salesman says, their built like a tank.
My wife says, "Oh, my aunt told me to get those too!" We now have a bona fide endorsement.
I pick up the shoe on display and it look like it is pretty rugged with all the right support for walking around...maybe I got to get over that it looks to me like old people shoes (from Haband).
Hey, what do you want Andy--to feel good on your feet or to look like your 18 again.
Okay, I try them on...with the arch supports inserted...and what do you know, I am walking a heck of a lot better.
Well, what about the price...holy crap, I can get 3 pairs of cool shoes at REI for one of these nerdy pairs.
Oh darn it, I have no choice...I am walking better, especially with the hip surgeries from last year still looming behind me.
I get the shoes, I get the arches...I pay the money--too much money!
I feel nerdy or so nerdy, but maybe I'm going for the healing power, G-d willing, of a good pair of supportive shoes.
My wife was right again, and I hate to admit it, but please don't tell her I said so--it's bad for her ego and mine. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Footsies at Comfort One