Showing posts with label Relationships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relationships. Show all posts

June 20, 2024


(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


March 21, 2024

Swinging My Gal

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


February 16, 2024

Have You Seen Any Lately?

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


February 14, 2024

Happy Valentine's Day

(Credit Photo: Minna Blumenthal)


February 10, 2024

Nobody Wanted War

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Nobody Wanted War."

We know that Israel wants more than anything to live in peace and that they have tried virtually everything to make peace with their neighbors, including multiple offerings of a state for the Palestinians (and even giving in to practically their every demand, often to the Israelis own detriment), only to meet with one repeated rejection after another reiterating the Arab League's Khartoum Resolution: "no peace with Israel, no negotiation with Israel, and no recognition of Israel."

After October 7, the deadly abuse absolutely could not continue any longer.

There is a time to walk away and a time for necessary action.

(AI generated image via Craiyon)


November 5, 2023

Wise Decision

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 2, 2023

The Grouchy Neighbor Who Brought Me Closer to G-d

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "The Grouchy Neighbor Who Brought Me Closer to G-d."

Thankfully, nothing terrible happened, but it's these everyday slights and provocations that can really hurt our feelings and end up pushing us away from G-d and Judaism.

However, I realized that G-d sends me certain encounters so that I can reflect, write about them, and share with you some things that really aren't the Torah way. We all have to deal with difficult people and challenging situations, but fundamentally and always, G-d is all good and wants us to turn to Him despite and even because of these happenstances.

While there is no such thing as hurt, insult, embarrassment, or suffering that is trivial, I hope that G-d will bless us to see past the pain of life and continue to find our way to embrace Him with all our heart, as well as to forgive our neighbors.

(AI Generated Image by Andy Blumenthal)

September 10, 2023

A Bissel Humor

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "A Bissel Humor."

In short, sometimes Jews can be so serious (and even a little miserable from circumstance, of course), and we can't always afford good therapy, so we use humor to cope and get along.

One of life's great lessons is to use words to make people happy and laugh whenever you can, to raise their spirits, your own, and even give the Almighty a good laugh or two as well.

(Credit Photo: cottonbro studio via

July 9, 2023

A Tale of Love, Food, and AI

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "A Tale of Love, Food, and AI."

So what do love, food, and artificial intelligence (AI) have to do with each other? Well, in this case, I have a number of special anecdotes from this week about getting some behind-the-scenes insight from others on all three topics.

(Credit Photo: Artem Podrez via 


April 23, 2023

Jealous Over Nothing

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Jealous Over Nothing."

Whether it’s stocks, mansions, lottery tickets, bitcoins, or other worldly objects that we put our hopes and dreams into, at the end of the day, the reality is that they are all nothing compared to what is really important and meaningful:
  • The precious time we have with our loved ones
  • Selflessly caring for and giving to others
  • Living faithful, holy lives in the eyes of the Almighty
These are the things that money can never buy, and they give true inner happiness that outer material trappings can never even aspire to.

(Source Photo: 


February 14, 2023

Happy Valentine's Day!

Love is in the air!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


January 30, 2023

Getting Ready 4 Valentine's Day

"Come n Get Your Love"

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


November 26, 2022

Chutzpah Dating

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Chutzpah Dating."

It used to be that young men and women went on dates and generally treated each other respectfully and civilly as they explored whether there was a spark between them and potentially a match to be made. But somewhere along the lines, too many Prince Charmings have turned into real ugly toads.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


November 13, 2022

Love this Song

Greg Kihn Band. ‎

The Breakup Song.


October 17, 2022

The Art of Friendship

Please see my article in The Times of Israel called "The Art of Friendship."

My hope and prayer is that this is just a small microcosm of friendship and peace that can spread in all communities, societies, nations, and lands, so that we are no longer black or white, Jew, Muslim, or Christian, or any other divisive label, but rather that we are all children of G-d, and plain and simple, friends.

(Credit Photos: Andy and Dossy Blumenthal)


November 12, 2021

Service With A Smile

Best bell to ring for service. 

The smile is contagious. 

One ring, and the customer service representative comes running. 

Excellence starts with the first ring! ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 31, 2021

What’s Your Kindness

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "What's Your Kindness."

When we are happy, we are able to graciously and generously give to others, and when we give to others, we are able to be happy! All the other pursuits in life such as wealth, ego, good looks, and so on are nothing but vanities (like King Solomon said in Ecclesiastes), and in the end lead to nothing but loss and suffering. However, giving and the happiness and positive spiritual energy it creates endures.

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 23, 2021

Love Your Family As The Stranger

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Love Your Family As The Stranger."

When it comes to strangers, it’s almost easier to put on a face, act all proper, and do what’s right because they aren’t our family, thus Avraham could run to help the strangers. Yet, when it comes to our own families, we don’t feel it necessary to keep up pretenses. We sometimes say and do things to family that we would likely never say to or do in front of strangers, like Avraham telling Hagar and Ishmael to get out! We may even betray and hurt the ones we love, like when Avraham said Sarah was his sister putting her at jeopardy with Avimelekh. Further, we “sacrifice” our children and spouses by putting our work (sometimes 24/7), social media, and our own brand and needs first, and don’t adequately pay attention to what’s really going on with our families, their needs, aspirations, and troubles; for example, Avraham was going to sacrifice Isaac, his and Sarah’s only child and “the son of her old age.” We take for granted and even advantage of our families, because we can. And some at the further bad end of the spectrum, “go home and kick the dog!” Yes, the pictures that everyone posts on Facebook and Instagram are what people want you to see and think about them (their personal brand): that everything’s all rosy and they have the perfect lives and families, but I venture to guess that often, it’s far from the reality of what goes on “behind closed doors.”
All of us need to pay attention and do what’s right not only when we want to look good in front of others, but knowing that even in our own homes, G-d is watching what we do and how we treat each other.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


July 7, 2021

Remember To Always Be Kind

Nice sign on the electrical pole, reminding us to always:

Be 💗 Kind

What kind?

The kind that has compassion on others, cares and love them, and does what's right. 

That's really the only kind worth being! ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


June 16, 2021

Go Ahead and Waste My Time

Thought this was a funny magnet:

Feel Free to Waste My Valuable Time

When you go to help desk, customer service representative, your boss, a friend or even family member, and they give you that sigh or that look that you are immensely bothersome. 

If only people had more compassion and respect for others and more of a true customer service and servant-leader mentality. 

Otherwise all you get is that ol' grumpy face and contemptuous attitude and you just want to crawl under a big heavy rock and never come out.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
