Showing posts with label Henpecking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Henpecking. Show all posts

April 23, 2015

Shut Up, Pleez!

Some people just don't know when to turn down the volume or shut it off, altogether. 

Perhaps they don't have enough to do, are craving attention, trying to make a name for themselves, are plain 'ol destructive, or are simply acting the fool and looking for their next victim.

But they have to get into everyone else's business, telling them how to do their jobs, taking over and hostage any meeting they can shove their way into with their private agendas, emailing everyone and their mother with their henpecking of the day, and demanding their needs are the priority and rises up over everyone elses--no matter whom or what else is going on. 

These people think they have an open mic and they are going to grab it, hold it, and never let it go. 

You beg them to stop, to control themselves, to work out their issues constructively, to give others a chance, to get in line, to let you do your job and they should do theirs, to get some situational and personal awareness, but rather than putting the mic down....

No, they see your calm and rationale requests for peace as squirming capitulation and the opportunity to hit you again and again. 

Everyone else has already given up and just won't respond or even acknowledge the Chicken Little screaming over and over again "The sky is falling"--when it isn't, and when so much important work is getting done by very hardworking and good people, who know how to act professionally. 

The kids nowadays say it straight up, "shut your pie hole!"

And that is really such a good idea. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)