While the UNHRC has an incredibly important and noble mission to promote and protect human rights around the world, in reality, the UNHRC, conducts itself like its anti-Semitic parent, the United Nations (UN) which regularly condemns Israel at every turn of world events. Made up of a variety of despots, dictators, terrorists, and rotten-to-the core human rights violators, the UNHRC refuses to condemn the incessant attacks and terrorism against Israel, but rather they defend those that want to “throw the Jews into the sea” and in turn use anti-Semitic attacks on Israel to hide their own fraud, waste, abuse, and corruption at home.Unfortunately, while the UN “Commission” on Human Rights was replaced primarily in name only by a UN Human Rights “Council,” nothing much else changed in their wanton display of corruption, anti-Semitism, and human rights violations. To this day, the leaders of these countries use Israel and the Jews as an object of hatred and for persecution to deflect and hide the repression and atrocities that they routinely and wantonly do to their very own people.
May 30, 2021
The UNHRC is a Bloody Joke
March 11, 2021
Where Have All The Heroes Gone?
When we had heroes in the real world there were also superheroes on television, movies, video games, toys, and more.
But alas leadership in our times has seriously fallen short.
Who is there to really look up to as a model for us to respect and follow?
It seems like everywhere these days we are confronted by:
- Failing leadership
- Poor decision-making
- Party politics
- Obstructionism
- Finger-pointing
- Fraud, waste, and abuse
- Bullying and sexual harassment
- Bribery and kleptocracy
- Big time narcissism
There are few if any heroes these days!
It's sad for us as well as for our children.
I hope we see Batman and Superman and other superheroes again: strong in the physical sense but primarily a symbol for strength of character/integrity and for the fight of good over evil in this world.
The void is painful for our times and is going to impact our near term future as well. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Where Have All The Heroes Gone?
December 30, 2020
Destruction Site
If there's a construction site, then there can certainly be a destruction site.
Most of the time, it seems like more destruction than construction really going on.
It's amazing how a construction job on one corner can take more than a whole year, when they built the entire U.S. highway system in not such a long time.
Now-a-days, money just goes down the sinkhole with the littlest jobs taking seemingly forever and the costs spiraling out of control.
Hello, is anyone out there managing this stuff?
Oh right, it's all funny money anyway.
Let's just keep printing some more. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Destruction Site
November 5, 2020
Truth or Lie?
Our pollsters know what they are talking about?
Our news media is honest and unbiased?
Our political system is rational, mainstream, and values integrity?
Our democracy is safe and not under serious threat from within?
Oh dear, Pinocchio has died of an overdose! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Truth or Lie?
October 18, 2020
Two Terms In Office
Limit Politicians to 2 Terms:
One in Office.
One in Prison.
Now this doesn't speak very well of our leadership.
What about the one's that have decades in office, and the time is used for their own selfish purposes and not for the people?
Where power and money is the purpose rather than advancing social well-being.
Where personal and party agendas are the playbill rather than doing what is right, plain and simple.
Where scoring points against your adversary or completely taking them down is the strategy rather than reaching out and working hand-in-hand to achieve our nation's greatness.
We have fallen a long way from what I would imagine the founding fathers had in mind for this great democracy.
Perhaps, the biggest problem is that we have stopped even trying. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Two Terms In Office