I keep kosher.
And we don't mix milk and meat together.
Tough watching all the fast food commercials from McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy's, and more.
So lo' and behold, my surprise when they introduced the kosher cheeseburger.
It uses the Impossible Burger made from plants--and it's advertised as having more protein, less fat, no cholesterol, and fewer calories than meat.
So we got two bags of food from Goldberg's bagels.
One bag had breakfast with bagels and egg salad.
The other bag had the kosher cheeseburgers for lunch (after the morning's activity)
We ate the egg salad bagels and they were good.
But we were really looking forward to the cheeseburgers.
Finally, after all these years of waiting...
But what happens, Dossy threw out the garbage from breakfast and...
She accidentally threw out the Impossible Burgers with it.
So when we got back to the car, salivating for the cheeseburgers...
We look in the front, in the back, in the compartments--and nothing!
It's gone! It's all gone!
No freakin cheeseburger for me.
Not then, not now, and I'm afraid not ever. :-(
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)