I found this interesting about communications management.
On one hand, when discussing issues, you want to listen to everyone's input, and consider all sides.
On the other hand, it's critical to be competent, confident, and "know what you're talking about."
Amos Oz wrote:
Those who hesitate and doubt are convinced by those who are strong-minded.
So it's an important balancing act:
- Not to be so self-confident that you aren't listening to others,
- But also not being so unsure and hesitant that you don't stand behind your values and views.
Confidence speaks, but overconfidence is deaf. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Confidence Speaks
So are we born to lead or are we forged to greatness through adversity and lots of hard work?
Some people definitely seem to have innate leadership characteristics:
- Charisma
- Integrity
- Decisiveness
- Passion
- Determination
- Agility
- Intelligence
- Inspirational
- Confident
- Articulate
Other people maybe weren't born with it, but they learn to become great leaders through:
- Hard Work
- Willingness to learn
- Continuous improvement
- Motivation to advance
- Finding a meaningful mission
- Belief that they can make a difference
- Faith that G-d is guiding them
Like with most things in our life, it's a combination of nature and nurture.
Good raw material starts us off on the right track and then forging it with fire and a hammer and polishing it off into a great sword with hardness, strength, flexibility, and balance.
As Joanna Coles, Chief Content Officer at Hearst Magazine says:
"I'm an overnight sensation 30 years in the making."
Birth is just the beginning... ;-)
(Source Photo: Dannielle Blumenthal)
Born Or Forged To Lead
This was just a really cool shirt that I saw.
It's has an image of a lady standing out front with what looks like a volcano in the background.
The volcano is shooting up its hothead steam, and looks like it's blowing the cloud on the left sideways, off-kilter.
What's nice about the lady on the shirt is that it's not just drawn on, but has materials sewn in to make it 3-D.
The black and pink fabric for the dress, the green and red beads for the shirt, the pink and silver over the black patches for the sunglasses, and the yellow for the hat.
Also, like the way she's standing all confident wth her hands on her hips and her elbows out--like "Hey, that volcano is nothing (compared to me)!"
The shirt is so simple, yet very smart.
That's the way most things should be. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Hey, Lady On The Shirt
Why do people laugh and feel pleasure at other people's pain and misfortune?
The Wall Street Journal (20 August 2013) reviews the book, The Joy of Pain, on this topic.
Schadenfreude is the German word for feeling pleasure at the calamity of others.
And we see people laugh, point, and otherwise gloat when others are hurting physically, emotionally, financially, and so on.
When they fail and you succeed, you feel strong, powerful, self-confidant, and that you were right--and they were wrong!
Feelings of pleasure at other people's pain is partially evolutionary--survival of the fittest.
It is also a function of our personal greed and competitiveness--where we measure ourselves not by how well we are doing, but rather relative to how others around us are faring.
So for example, we may be rich and have everything we need, but if someone else has even a little more than us, we still are left feeling lacking inside.
Thus, we envy others' good fortune and take pleasure in their misfortune.
In a sense, our success is only complete when we feel that we have surpassed everyone else, like in a sport competition--there is only one ultimate winner and world champion.
So when we see the competition stumble, falter, and go down, our hands go up with the stroke of the win!
Anyway, we deserve to win and they deserve to lose--so justice is served and that makes us feel just dandy.
How about a different way--we work together to expand the living standard for all, and we feel genuinely glad for others' success and real empathy for their pain, and they too for us--and we go beyond our pure humanity to something more angelic. ;-)
(Source Photo: here with attribution for Lukas Vermeer)
Pleasure At Pain