So how do we know that Obama, Kerry, and the UN's position and resolutions against Israel is biased, hateful, and Anti-Semitic?
Let's briefly look at the 6 ludicrous principles--as applied to the United States and it's settling the land of the Native American Indians.
Principle 1: Recognized International Borders for 2 People
- For the United States that would be recognized international borders for the Native American Indians and for the the United States agreed to by both sides.
Principle 2: Two States for Two Peoples
- That would be a West America for Native American Indians and an East America for the United States (see graphic above).
Principle 3: Realistic Solution for Refugees
- The realistic solution would not involve a return of the Native American Indians to East America, but would involve compensation.
Hmm, how much do we realistically owe the Native American Indians for half the country?
Principle 4: Washington DC as Capital for 2 States
- That would look something like this with a West Washington D.C. as capital for Native American Indians and an East Washington D.C. as capital for the United States.
Principle 5: Satisfy U.S. Security Needs
- This would involve "innovative approaches to creating unprecedented, multi-layered border security."
Uh, what does that mean, especially with our estimated 11.4 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. already???
Principle 6: Normalized Relations
- For the U.S., "this must bring broader peace" with South American neighbors (including Mexico, Cuba, Venezuela, etc.) and would allow "groundbreaking" security partnerships with others like Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea.
Wonder how that would all work out, huh???
The main difference between the U.S. and Israel is that actually Jews were promised the land of Israel by G-d him/herself and the Jews have actually lived and worshipped there for 4,000 years!
If Obama, Kerry, and the United Nations want to lecture on a Two State Only Solution, perhaps they need to start by contacting the Native American Indians and getting out their drawing boards. ;-)
(Source Graphics: By Andy Blumenthal adapted from here and here)

Obama, Kerry, and the UN's 6 Principles of Ultimate Hypocrisy