Thank you to my wonderful children and to Hashem for all his mercy.
(Credit Photo: Minna Blumenthal)June 14, 2023
July 4, 2021
@Lake Needwood July 4
Beautiful July 4th.
The great outdoors with the family.
Hiking and sitting by the water just taking a relaxing breather.
(Credit Photos: Andy Blumenthal)
@Lake Needwood July 4
June 22, 2021
Bicycle and Flowers
Either way a beautiful display!
G-d has made such an amazing world for us.
And all our senses get to enjoy it.
If you let yourself stop and experience it, your heart and soul can be uplifted with the joy of it all! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Bicycle and Flowers
January 13, 2021
Beautiful Flowers 4 A Beautiful Day!
In this painting, art does a wonderful job imitating life.
I love the flower pot as well as the flowers.
Nature, in real and artistic ways, fills us with renewed life. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Beautiful Flowers 4 A Beautiful Day!
July 22, 2020
Bucket List
I replaced an almost 16-year old 4Runner with a new car that I had been eyeing for some time.
I never thought I would actually get the new car, but I am so very grateful to Hashem!
My father used to say:
It's just something to get you from here to there!
And he was right, but it was still nice to replace the old clunker. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Bucket List
February 12, 2020
Israel 2020: Day 3
Saw the beautiful 15th century Abuhav Synagogue, the Candle Factory, the artist colony, and the of course, the holy graves of the Tzadikim to pray.
It was a marvelously spiritually uplifting experience (as well as being up high in the mountains) and is an overall beautiful and unique city of ancient winding alleys and treasures at every turn.
So grateful to have had this opportunity to visit there, thank you Hashem! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Israel 2020: Day 3
October 20, 2019
Having Each Other
Incredibly painful.
Difficult getting up from sitting or laying position.
Today, I was trying to walk it off a little.
One of my kids was walking with me taking good care of me.
We ran into a neighbor.
She was nice and asked about what happened.
I told her in brief and said how grateful I was for my daughter taking me for a little walk while I try to heal with G-d's help.
She smiled and said how lucky I was (which I acknowledged).
I asked if she had any kids, thinking that she did.
But she goes to me:
I have no one!
I was a little surprised that she didn't have anyone and how she said it.
I sort of repeated it quizzically.
She goes:
Well I did have a cat but she was 19 years old and I had to put her down.
I felt really bad for her, especially since I know she had an operation this last year and is planned for another one coming up.
I said that we're her neighbors and friends and that she can call on us whenever she needs someone.
This whole thing just made me so upset--no one should be so alone.
I really pray that G-d has mercy on his children and that no one should be alone and that we should all have caring and loving people around us always. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Having Each Other
September 29, 2019
Positively Jewish New Years
Lets everyone stay positive folks--we all have so much to be grateful for and please G-d to look forward to!
Positive is greater than negative (as the shirt says). LOL
Shana Tova!
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Positively Jewish New Years
June 5, 2019
Swimming In Florida
Hit the swimming pool.
About to do my laps.
I got my gear and ready to rock and roll.
Please G-d, we'll spend the Jewish holiday of Shavuot (commemorating when we got the Torah) together here as a family.
What more can I ask.
Happy and grateful. ;-)
(Source Photo: Dossy Blumenthal)
Swimming In Florida
April 16, 2019
(Maybe) Stop Complaining
He was a very lively speaker and with a lot of worthy teachings for his lucky audience.
One thing he said that really stuck with me is about people that complain.
People have hard lives!
As he said, "I don't know what each of you has been through."
But one thing that can help us cope with our challenges is our perspective.
And then he said the following:
We need to be glad that we have something to complain about!
Huh, what does that mean?
Well, think about it...
- If you complain about your spouse, thank G-d that you are married (and have a life partner) to complain about.
- If you complain about your job, thank G-d that you have a job (and income) that you can complain about.
- If you complain about your food, thank G-d that you have food to eat (and sustenance for your body) to complain about.
And so on and so forth.
Whatever we complain about, think about what you actually have (the big picture) and what you are complaining about (usually the little picture).
Really, we have so much to be grateful for that we can easily just forget or take for granted.
So next time your complaining, THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE that you are complaining about--you might stop yourself from complaining. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
(Maybe) Stop Complaining
October 1, 2018
Bad Little Mousey
They came into the office and had a big surprise.
I won't ask you to guess what it was.
I'll start off by giving you a hint.
It came from a mouse.
Yep, they actually had what they called, "mouse poop" on their desk.
Have to laugh even at the term...
But this is not what you want to have to deal with first thing in the morning, or anytime for that matter.
What can you do though?
We share the world with other living creatures and if they want to poop on your desk--what are you really gonna do about it?
I suggested setting some traps, but they said they want to see if it happens again.
That's two too many times for me.
Now though I learned to be grateful if my desk is poop-free. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Bad Little Mousey
December 21, 2017
Welcome To Israel Henna Party
It was amazing to me to see how the Holy Land has so developed from when I was here last over 25-years ago.
It is a thriving nation in every sense of the word.
Just as G-d has promised, the land and it's people have blossomed under His blessings.
I am grateful to G-d for helping me to reach this wonderful and happy time.
Tonight, we had a wonderful dinner with the in-laws and there was a henna ceremony as well--for good luck (Mazel Tov)!
Little did I know, I thought this bowl of henna was chocolate fudge and part of dessert--good thing that I didn't take a staining bite out of that.
How would that have looked in the wedding pictures? ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Welcome To Israel Henna Party
December 6, 2017
Mazel Tov On Jerusalem
- 70 years after President Truman instructed the State Department to support the U.N. partition plan.
- 50 years since the Six Day War in which Jerusalem was reunified.
- 22 years after the Jerusalem Embassy Act was passed for relocating the U.S. Embassy to the capital, Jerusalem.
Everyone has been patient and waited a long time for this.
As President Trump stated, we are recognizing the reality, the obvious, and "it is the right thing to do!"
Yes, Israel is a sovereign nation with the right to determine their own capital as every nation does.
And Jerusalem is that capital today as it has been historically from the times of the Bible.
We are blessed to be witnessing in our time the miraculous fulfillment of G-d's promise for the quintessential return of the Israelites to the Promised Land, and toward the ultimate redemption.
From the ashes of the Holocaust, G-d has resurrected and brought us alive again.
Many that I have spoken with today express genuine fear about the ramifications of this announcement of recognition.
But as President Trump displayed today, we must all go forward together courageously and in celebration.
The State of Israel is blooming from its agricultural fields to the incredible medical and technological innovations that are helping people throughout the world.
We must never forget that it is only with G-d's blessing and under his watchful eye.
May we all pray for peace and security, and let their not be war or terrorism anymore! ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal via
Mazel Tov On Jerusalem
November 22, 2017
It's About The People
Whether it's our families, friends, and colleagues--it's how we treat people and the relationships we form that count--and that enable us to achieve success together!
Many people just count their money instead of counting their blessings of hearts and souls.
But while we certainly need a certain amount of $$$ to live, we really need ❤ to thrive.
Today, before the Thanksgiving holiday, I just took a little time to walk around and talk with people here, thank them for their good work and friendships, and wish them a good holiday.
It was such a little thing, but honestly I felt so good doing it.
I am thankful for so many things this year, including all the wonderful people in my life who do so much to make my life joyous and fulfilling, but I am also grateful to G-d for continuing to open my eyes to what and who(s) that really count.
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
It's About The People
June 7, 2016
Now You See It and Now You Don't
Now You See It and Now You Don't
August 22, 2015
Ocean Waves (Take 60 Seconds To Enjoy)
I took this video of the ocean waves coming unto the sandy beach (some seaweed included).
60 seconds of pure calm and peaceful tide.
Today, they finally took down the purple flags that indicate dangerous marine life, so we were able to go in the ocean and really enjoy.
The rhythm of the ocean waves, the sun tanning our skin, the warm relaxing water, and the people playing and laughing (and some kissing).
Thank you Hashem for this wonderful day and the beautiful world you created for us to partake of--blessed are thou!
(Source Video: Andy Blumenthal)
Ocean Waves (Take 60 Seconds To Enjoy)
April 29, 2015
Beautiful Spring Day
Thank you G-d for the changing seasons, the warm sunshine, the soft elegant standing flowers, and the vibrant colors.
(Source Flowers: G-d)
(I am merely the photographer)
Beautiful Spring Day
June 20, 2014
Love, Strength
I have found myself torn from my normal routine--my structure, my discipline--and thrown instead into a world of unknowns, hopes, and definitely prayers.
Throughout, my family and close friends have stood by me--as I gave the eulogy for mom, as I moved my father out of his loving home, and as I growled in pain with the osteoarthritis and then joint replacement.
When my daughter took my hand telling me all be well, when my youngest drove me to the doctors and PT, and when my wife fought for my care--I feel eternally grateful to have these people in my life.
With all the technology in the world, there is nothing like a human being to reach out and grab a hold off.
One of my colleagues asked me what I have learned from all of this, and I'd say three things:
- Take time to reflect on the direction of your life and work to make the tough changes while you're able.
- Empathize with the plight of others, be merciful and compassionate, and help where you see the slightest opportunity.
- Be sincerely grateful for everything you have and remember who is the Master of all. ;-)
(Source Photo: Michelle Blumenthal)
Love, Strength
April 20, 2014
Swim ~ Splash ~ Swim
Swimming in the hot sun, I headed straight for the cool splash.
The water was frothing white against the blue background.
As it hit the pool, it created this amazing bubbling beneath the surface.
I swam under it a number of times and came up through the bubbling fresh water.
Sort of felt like I was swimming in a waterfall in the Amazon or something exotic like that.
Hey, I can imagine...but it really was amazing with the water, the sun, the air--felt so alive!
I am thankful to G-d for allowing me this wonderful moment today to feel his beauty in the world.
(Source Photo: Dannielle Blumenthal)
Swim ~ Splash ~ Swim
September 21, 2013
Restoring Hearing Using Bionics
A mother wrote in the Wall Street Journal yesterday about the miracle of Cochlear Implants.
Lydia Denworth described when her 2-year old son, who is deaf, got these implants and how now he is now able to attend 5th grade in a "mainstream school" and is "nearly indistinguishable from the other children."
These implants allow her son, Alex, to have a conversation with another child about the hearing device that "can open up the world of sound and spoken language."
Denworth states at the end of the editorial, "Moments like that make me deeply grateful for the technology."
For me, reading this was an opportunity to go learn about the amazing bionics that has already restored hearing to 320,000 people!
While hearing aids amplify sounds and make them louder, they don't resolve permanent damage to the inner ear.
A cochlear implant bypasses the damage by receiving sounds in a microphone, digitizing them, and converting them to electrical impulses that are sent directly via implant to the auditory nerves-- bypassing damaged or missing sensory cells in the ear--in a way that the brain can understand.
I am in awe of the inventors--Graeme Clark, Ingeborg Hochmair, and Blake Wilson--who are being recognized for their pioneering research leading to the development of Cochlear Implants.
Hopefully, soon we can do for sight, smell, taste, and touch what we can do for hearing and restore the impaired to fully functioning again.
We are living in a time of great miracles--thank you G-d!
(Source Photo: here with attribution to Bjorn Knetsch)
Restoring Hearing Using Bionics