There are highs, but also lows.
No one and nothing can perform at peak all the time.
Like the commandment to keep the Shabbat, everyone needs a rest.
And studies have shown that getting a healthy dose of sleep, pause, and rest in life is healthy.
When we force ourselves or others to perform past their "designed" limits, then we risk a breakdown.
Machines break and people can break.
The risks are either explosion or implosion: some people can frighteningly "go postal" and others end up on psychiatric medication or even sick and in the hospital.
What is key to remember is that you can push the limits of performance so far, but then no further without a healthy, recuperative rest period and down time.
If you want to raise the bar on yourself, others, or your organization, you need to do it strategically so there is a surge forward and then a normative recovery and energy buildup again.
As we all know, life is a marathon and not a sprint, and the journey is as important as the destination. ;-)
(Source Photo: here with attribution to Alan Levine)