October 2, 2021
True Meaning of Torah Observant
July 15, 2021
Coexistence Means Everyone
C - C in shape of Crescent Moon and Star represents Islam
O - O with Peace sign and designed for nuclear disarmament
E - E with Male and Female symbols represents Sexual Equality
X - X designated by Star of David represents Judaism
I - I with Five Pointed Star at top represents Pagans and Wicans
S - S with Ying and Yang represents Taoists
T - T in shape of Cross represents Christianity.
Now how do we get people to actually live this way: respecting each other and living harmoniously together? ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Coexistence Means Everyone
February 4, 2021
Children (and Fruit) of G-d
Interesting quote I heard on diversity:
It might be apples and oranges, but it's all fruit!
The way towards mutual respect, teamwork, brotherhood, and peace:
- Recognize that our similarities are much greater than our differences.
And ultimately, we are all children (and fruit) of G-d. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Children (and Fruit) of G-d
January 31, 2019
Respecting Native Americans
People claiming all sorts of racism and hate, and others saying nothing happened--usually the truth is somewhere in between.
In light of this, I wanted to share this awesome painting, and say we should absolutely respect the Native Americans and do everything we can to help them.
These are the indigenous people that were here long before we ever were, and let's just say that they suffered and lost a lot when the first Europeans arrived on these shores.
We are all G-d's children, and no one acting with integrity and peacefully should ever be mistreated or disrespected, no one! ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Respecting Native Americans
December 16, 2018
My First Interfaith Event
The first lady that I spoke to said that she wasn't any one religion.
When I asked more about this, she said:
The core to all religions is Rachamim (mercy, compassion) and Ahavah (love).
Pictured above are the table seating cards that directed people to sit next to people of other religions: Jewish, Muslim, Other.
The event was led by the One America Movement, and the Director, Andrew Hanauer spoke very well about bridging what divides us.
Here are some of the take-a-ways:
- We need to address the divisiveness, polarization, and conflict.
- Remember that we are talking with other human beings and not with labels.
- Polarization is not just issues, but devolves into identity--"I hate your stupid face!"
- But we are all human beings (and children of G-d).
- Republicans and Democrats each say that the other is 20% less human than they are.
- We all have our own "facts": My facts vs. Your Facts.
- We attribute good that happens to us as being because of "us," but bad that happens to us because of "them."
- Similarly, we believe that we act out of love, but they act out of hate--and:
(Source Photos: Andy Blumenthal)
My First Interfaith Event
September 2, 2018
One G-d, Many Stories
We went in to take a look, and they had all sorts of things, but one section had a lot of colorful statues.
We didn't even really know what we were looking at when one of the young lady salespeople came over to explain.
And she's pointing to different statues and saying that this is the "G-d of love," this is the "G-d of prosperity," this is the "G-d for removing obstacles," etc.
I said to her questioningly (non-judgmental), "So we are Jews, and we believe in monotheism. How do you understand this concept of different 'G-ds'?"
She said, "Well, I learned about these growing up in India, but the way I've come to terms with this is that these "G-ds" are really different 'faces' of one G-d" and then she started to tell us the "stories" of them.
So in her explanation, when they are confronting challenges in life, they pray to the "face of G-d" that focuses on removing those obstacles, and when they are seeking prosperity then they pray to that "face of G-d" so on and so forth.
It was interesting to me how this young lady came to find a monotheistic interpretation and path for herself and perhaps others who have similar beliefs.
I wondered to myself whether this understanding can be in a way be similar to the Jewish concept of G-d having different attributes like midat Rachamin, din, etc.
Of course, I know that G-d loves all of us, and I respect everyone's personal beliefs.
For me and my traditional Jewish belief system, I wholeheartedly affirm as my namesake Abraham:
Sh'ma Yis'rael, Hashem Elo'kenu, Hashem Echad.;-)
Hear O' Israel, the L-rd our G-d, the L-rd is one.
(Source Photo: here with attribution to Moshe Shalom)
One G-d, Many Stories
June 22, 2018
Everyone Deserves A Day of Rest and Happiness
They don't want or need to work that much, but their employer insists that's the way it is.
On top of it, they don't even get overtime for all the unbelievable hours they have to put in.
One day, this person actually just broke down in incredible tears, just asking to get a single day off.
Finally, finally, finally--the employer gave in--for just a single day!
The person was so happy--one day of freedom; one day to enjoy; one day to regain their inner beauty and humanity.
I was so happy for them!
Every person deserves at least one day off per week.
Every single one of the major religions in the world that is anchored in the Bible--Judaism, Christianity, and Islam--have a holy Sabbath as a day of rest.
There is a divine and ancient wisdom to this.
People need a day to rejuvenate.
Everything is nature does.
Even the fields have to lay fallow every 7th year so the earth can revitalize and replenish itself.
There is a natural cycle to things--peaks and valleys--and we need to have some rest and relaxation--to work for something and not for nothing.
The joy on this person to just have a day off--it was so incredible and touching.
It spoke light years to me about treating people right--just--humanly--with compassion--and doing good over evil in this world.
What does the employer need to wring an extra days work out of their employees for the rotten greed of money and profits?
Better to care for your people, and they will be better off for it and thus to the needs of the business and its customers.
Care for people--they are people.
Love people--they are G-d's beautiful children.
Treat others as you would like to be treated.
Let everyone have a day of rest and something to look forward to--to enjoy, to have some happiness, to get time with their family and friends, to get back to themselves, to attain a deserved and proper peace of mind, body, and soul. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Everyone Deserves A Day of Rest and Happiness
June 3, 2018
The Blessings and The Curses
And do swift justice to the wicked that seek their destruction.
Bless those that stand guard at your heavenly and earthly gates.
Curse those evil ones that make a mockery of your lofty kingship.
Bless the humble and faithful to you and your laws.
Curse those that stand in arrogance and spread hate and vileness before you.
Bless those that bless you and seek to do good.
Curse those that curse you and do harm to your creations.
Bless the righteous people with all that is good.
Curse the wicked and tear them asunder so that they are utterly destroyed.
L-rd, please hear your lowly servant and bring the ultimate redemption to your people.
And verily discomfort, smite and throw to the depths of punishment and exile the cursed wicked.
None can stand before you in their shame and disgrace.
Do it for your name's sake; do it for your children's sake, do it for your justice's sake, do it to make things right in your beautiful and perfect world. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
The Blessings and The Curses
May 29, 2018
The 3 P's Do NOT Matter
He said that it's not any of these things that make a person worthwhile:
1. Possessions
2. Performance
3. Popularity
But rather, it is a person's inner self and soul that determine their value.
Each person is a son or daughter of G-d.
I agree that our personal worth is a matter of how we act as human beings in choosing right over wrong and good over evil; and it is not based on how much we have, how successful we have become, or how much we are liked.
In the end, a person must return to their maker alone to answer for their actions.
You can't take anything with you.
Materialism and vanity all fade away and only your spiritual inner self will pass over and live on.
So how will you spend your time and attention--chasing vanity of vanities or doing good in all your words and deeds? ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
The 3 P's Do NOT Matter
April 29, 2018
The Evil That Is Child Trafficking
Please, please watch this short 4-minute video.
It is very impactful!
- If you don't know what's going on with child sex abuse.
- If you are afraid to know.
- If you don't want to believe it.
- If you busy and generally haven't cared in the past.
Here are some basic statistics:
💥There are at least 2 to 4 million cases of human trafficking annually!
💥It is estimated that 50% are children!
💥It's a $32 billion dollar industry and growing!
Maybe (hopefully) you believe in G-d
We are G-d's children.
Children are our children.
We have a duty to protect children.
How will you answer the call?
Here's where you can place a call:
- National Child Abuse Hotline: (800) 4-A-CHILD (422-4453)
- National Sexual Assault Hotline: (800) 656-HOPE (4673)
Finally, may Almighty G-d do justice to all the pedophiles and abusers out there.
May the Earth and Heavens swallow them up and spit them out.
So that the children, the pure children, may grow up in a better world, a much better world. ;-)
The Evil That Is Child Trafficking
April 15, 2018
Purpose Is To Help People
Purpose Is To Help People
March 16, 2018
Homeless DC
And aside from all the prestigious institutions and people of great power that formulate the policies and rules and keep us abiding by them.
This is what I see in D.C.
The plight of the poor, homeless, and downtrodden.
Those that have fallen by the wayside.
People who are down on their luck.
Human beings--that's right human beings--that need and deserve help or even just a chance.
Why does anyone have to live--if you can even call this living--like this a couple of blocks from the White House.
I know there are people all over the world who are hungry, homeless, sick, and abused.
Yet, nowhere is this more stark an example than in the U.S.A where there is such an enormous divergence between "the haves" and "the have nots" and where our values are supposedly bound up with equality, human rights, charity, and kindness.
Yes, we are supposed to be equal in treatment and in opportunity, but we all know that is not really the case.
Sure, some work hard and others are perhaps lucky/blessed, but then are those that are born with a "silver spoon in their mouths" and excel through a tight weave of corruption, narcissism, nepotism, and abuse.
Yet a real chance for everyone, a living wage, and basic dignity and respect should be afforded to all.
Money and power is ephemeral.
Those with it, that abuse it, shall see it pass between their fingers ever trying to clutch unto it with dear life.
Only the way we treat others will last in this world and in the world after.
Everything goes around and comes around.
This is the cycle of life and the lot of those who abuse their good fortune as well as those that harness it.
G-d will judge with His mighty hand and bring to bear the deeds and intentions of those that mock His holy will.
Because His children lay in rags and heaps, while others dance their folly jig. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Homeless DC
January 17, 2018
Nothing Personal
It's when they harshly criticize, pick on, or even bully their hard working and good people.
What do they say when they do it:
"It's nothing personal."
Ha, that's sort of funny, but really it's sad.
I asked an executive colleague about this and this is what they profoundly said:
"It's my favorite line when the boss says it's nothing personal. Of course it's personal. Is there anyone else in the room!"
When people misuse/abuse their power to hurt others whether at work or even in other situations like with small children or anyone else in a subordinate position:
- That's not business.
- That's not professional.
- That's not being a good human being.
People are not punching bags because someone else is having a bad day.
We need to rise above the occasion and be better than that.
It's better to be humane, compassionate, and emotionally intelligent.
And not just because someday, we are all in that position where someone bigger is facing off against us.
But rather we need to behave kindly to others, because they too are G-d's children and our brothers and sisters, and it is the absolutely the right way to behave--whether it's business or personal. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Nothing Personal
December 26, 2017
@The Great Kotel in Jerusalem
What an amazing experience.
It's been too many years.
Definitely, one of the top moments of my life.
As we entered the old city and walked through the narrow ways toward the Western Wall of the Temple, my heart and breathing was racing and I could feel the spiritualness getting closer and closer.
When we finally arrived at the Holy Wall, I was just completely overwhelmed and saying over and over, OMG!
We took some photos, and then immediately when to pray at the wall.
I think I got lost in prayer and didn't realize how long I had been standing and clutching the Holy Wall of G-d's ancient Temple.
I truly believe that our prayers ascend to Heaven at this special spot of G-d's earthly abode.
I wanted to fall to my knees, but stopped myself repeatedly as this is not generally the Jewish custom.
But in my mind, my body, and soul was prostrated completely before G-d Almighty.
I put myself in His hands.
We can only do our best, and the rest is all in His control.
We can try to make the best decisions we can, but the real guidance in life comes from Him and His will for us.
We learned in Yeshiva, not to ask in prayer for specific things in life to happen for us, but rather to ask G-d to do what is right in His eternal mind for us.
This is right...submit to the King of Kings and let Him show us the way for us.
What are the right words to say to G-d?
At the end, thank you and please continue to help us, your children. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
@The Great Kotel in Jerusalem
November 1, 2017
Pennies From Heaven
She posed for the picture and made sure to line up the top and the bottom posters to get it just right.
It says:
"Not One Penny In Tax Cuts For The Rich"
Makes intuitive sense doesn't it: the rich already are blessed with...riches!
Any more pennies in their war chest is sort of a drop in the billionaire bucket.
With tax reform is on the table now...we need tax relief for the middle class and to grow the economy.
The rich really do not need to get any richer.
Especially with a national debt over $20 trillion already--and not including future entitlement obligations that exceed projected revenue for social security and medicare, which bring the debt in excess of $70 trillion!).
The gamble with this whole tax reform plan is that the $1.5 trillion or so in proposed tax cuts over 10 years translates into a much bigger economic expansion that makes up for that revenue loss to the government and more.
If not, well then Uncle Sam bet wrong and our annual deficit gets bigger and bigger (already $666 billion in FY 2017).
Tax cuts for the rich today and estate tax cuts to pass wealth between generations--when they impact the top 1% are ridiculously targeted to those who really don't need it, and many of the decent ones, like Warren Buffet, don't even want it.
Let's have a heart and help the people that really need the help--let's narrow the growing divide between the haves and the have nots, and move to eliminate the class system that elevates one child of G-d over another.
- While some live in McMansions, others are homeless.
- While some eat steak and drink expensive bottles of wine every night, others go hungry and thirsty.
- While some wear fancy designer clothes, expensive jewelry, and different outfits every day, others don't have a clean shirt on their back.
It's nice to think that some "deserve it" more than others, but we also have to think who really needs it more.
And if the pennies do ultimately come from Heaven (as all blessings do), then let us distribute these with compassion and lovingkindness as we know our Creator would want us to. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Pennies From Heaven
October 22, 2017
Treating The Homeless With Dignity
They do hands-on advocacy and activism to help the homeless.
From providing them storage lockers, bathrooms, showers, haircuts/shaves, clothing boutique, hygiene products (e.g. tampons etc.), drinking water, legal services, and more.
While others looks away, they jump in to actually do something real.
They actually bring mobile showers to them!
The video show on the left, one person living a regular life with a home, job, and everything they need, and on the right, another person down on their luck, homeless and needy.
Both are G-d's creatures--one just needs a fresh start!
At the end of the video, it says:
Don't Look Away.I hope you are truly moved in the same way that I am by this organization and their beautiful mission and meaningful outreach activities. ;-)
Think Love.
Think Hope.
Think Strength.
Think Worth.
Think Dignity.
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Treating The Homeless With Dignity
September 7, 2017
The CEO and The Janitor
The colleague's father was a industrial psychologist and he would go into some relatively big organizations to improve the functioning and culture.
One of the things that he would do is get the CEO and the janitor in the same room together.
And he would say:
"Both of you have vital jobs in the organization and you need to appreciate each other!"
At this point, the CEO and the janitor would be looking around the room super quizzically.
And the psychologist would to the janitor and say:
"The CEO's job is critical, because without the CEO, we wouldn't have the leadership and vision for the organization to be successful, and you wouldn't have a job and salary.
Then he'd turn to the CEO and explain:
The Janitor's job is critical, because without the janitor, we wouldn't have a clean and functioning building and facilities for everyone to do their jobs and be successful, and you wouldn't be able to come to work ever day."
It's really amazing that despite all the fancy titles, corners offices, and rich compensation packages for some, really everyone in the organization is vital in their own way!
The CEO and The Janitor
February 21, 2017
Naked Sitting
This "Big Man" is just sitting in the corner at the top of the escalator.
Sitting naked and looking deep in thought and down on his luck.
In a sense, as we sit or stand in front of our Maker, we are all naked bearing witness to our transgressions and trespasses.
What are we to do when we give in to weakness?
We see people looking around and hoping no one is seeing them as they try to get away with doing the wrong thing.
But as my Oma (grandmother) used to say in German to me:
"Liebe Gott sieht alles"
Almighty G-d sees everything!
Naked Sitting
February 10, 2016
Hate, Discrimination, and Violence...But We're One
Hate, Discrimination, and Violence...But We're One