Showing posts with label Fight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fight. Show all posts

October 28, 2024

Hashem Fights For Israel


April 18, 2024

Know Your Enemy

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


February 2, 2024

Make My Day

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


March 8, 2023

Gun Control?

Yes to the Second Amendment.

But what war are we going to fight with all these?  ;-)


October 9, 2022

The Apocalypse

This truck is called "The Apocalypse."

It looked like it was ready for just about anything. 

What fun to drive and pretend your "Mad Max" 

Maybe you really are.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Itzchak O.)


June 25, 2022

Not by Chariots or Horses

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Not by Chariots or Horses."

As I watched through the window of the synagogue, the people practicing their boxing, I remembered when I was young and learning to fight. It took an enormous amount of training, hard work, and practice, and still at the end of the day, the realization always that we are but the foot soldiers for G-d. We must be the best prepared in every way that we can (“Never again!”); however, it is G-d who not only leads us, but also fights for us. In the Prophets (Joshua 6), we learn that Hashem literally brought down the walls of the great city of Jericho simply by having Joshua and the Israelites march around it, blow the Shofar, and yell a great shout. So too may G-d continue to fight for us against the enemies in our time and speedily complete the final redemption.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

November 23, 2021

Strong and Knowledgeable

If you know your own strength and what you can do...

Then you also know what you can't do.

While our dreams and imagination can be "the sky's the limit,"

The reality is we are human and we have to learn, grow, and make progress incrementally.

Still it's a fight every day to get stronger as people and as souls. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


September 2, 2021

Join U.S. Space Force

War is coming to space. 

Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica here we come.  

We've got to protect our space!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


August 8, 2021

No Talking To A Terrorist

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "No Talking To A Terrorist."

The fact of the matter is that when a terrorist who hates you and wants to kill you talks, they are telling you that homicidal action is soon forthcoming. It starts with words of disdain, loathing, threats, and hostility, but make no mistake, that those words end in terror and death. Terrorists, like the radical Iranian mullahs are not someone you can sit down with for tea, have a nice conversation, and work out a meaningful or binding diplomatic agreement. Unfortunately, the only thing that a murderous, racist terrorist understands is a punch in the nose! Accordingly, no amount of talking with Iran is going to lead to them ceasing their pursuit of weapons of mass destruction to use against the Jewish State and the United States. In their own very distorted “religious” minds, the irrational Iranian mullahs hate us and want us dead, period. To them, we are the scorned infidels, and they are the holy jihadists on a mission of murder. As much as we want peace with all our neighbors, in this case, a military response is not only necessary, but required.
The Jewish people have learned very well the hard and painful lessons from tyrannical madmen who have sought to destroy us over the centuries. The Holocaust is seared into our present-day consciousness like the tattooed numbers were into their victim’s flesh. We have learned to never let our guard down, to expect the unexpected, and to fight like hell when we have to. I am confident that with G-d’s help, Israel and the United States will not wait until it’s too late or stand by for a genocide to happen again! What Iran “says,” it means, but what Israel “does,” it expertly succeeds at.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


August 3, 2021

You Got To Make It!

I liked this sticky note over this nice ladies desk:

You do not find the happy life.

You make it!

Too many people seem to wait for miracles, like manna from Heaven to give them what they need or want. 

They don't realize that G-d has gifts us what we need (including strength and determination) to work towards these things ourselves. 

We are not the Israelites stuck in the barren desert for 40 years that we need it to rain manna. 

Of course, it's nice every once in a while when a miracle shows up and we are given an extra hand (or maybe even a full arm). 

But day-to-day, we have to at least try to be self-reliant--as well as work with others--to work towards our goals and fulfill our missions in life. 

You got to make it happen if you want it bad enough.  ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


July 25, 2021

Let Freedom Ring

I saw this van with all this messaging about "Communist China." 

Guy from the truck asks me:

Do you know what CCP is?

Not having heard that acronym, I started to mumble something about communism, and before I could finish, he goes:

It stands for Chinese Communist Party. 

He continued:

That's dictatorship. Do you know what that is?

I responded:

Of course, and the people want to be free.

He goes:

Yes, freedom! We want freedom. 

It's hard to believe that a generation ago the Cold War ended, but here we are still with people battling Communism and repression of basic rights. 

How lucky we are in America, Israel, and other western countries to live in freedom and have basic human rights. 

People around the world fight and die trying to earn their freedom, and we wake up with it every day, and it's just there for us. 

It's an incredible blessing to be free to think, speak, worship, and live how we choose.

We have to safeguard freedom and even fight for it: to have it, to keep it; and we should use it wisely to do and grow good in the world.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


July 17, 2021

We Are All Disabled

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "We Are All Disabled."
And what happens to us after creation? Life happens, and people suffer from the happenstance and the often harsh “nurture” of this world. Whether from disease, accidents, or hurt inflicted on us from others — intentional or not — we all have “disabilities” and as difficult as it is to live with it, there is no shame in it!
Disabilities are an opportunity, however painful and humiliating for us to learn and grow and for others to be able to demonstrate love, compassion, and kindness to us...There is no running or hiding from disability, it is part of our mortal world. But from the scars and suffering of life, we must create healing. From disability, it is our job to turn it into ability, capability, and mobility!

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

April 29, 2021

Fight With Umbrella

Looks like a fight with the umbrella.

And the umbrella lost!  

It's down for the count.

But the opponent is waiting to see if the umbrella rises again to continue and fight. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


August 15, 2020

Holes In The Eyes

IDK who this bust is, and I don't care. 

What I do know is that there are some people (not all) in this world who are very bad people that are blind to truth and good. 

They see themselves not only first and foremost but only themselves--they are truly selfish pr*cks!

Next, they see their buddies from the "old boy's network" where one dirty hand washes the other even dirtier hand. 

They see everyone else as pawns to get what they want--power, money, prestige--and in turn others are for their abuse and as a punching bag.

People born and bred on immediate and self-gratification at the expense of doing what's right. 

Power used to intimidate, to harass, to bully, to step on, to shame, and to kick to the gutter. 

To them it's just what it takes "to make it" in this world. And for them they don't consider what they are giving up in the world to come.

It's an ancient war of good over evil where bad people seem very strong indeed. 

But where we can't cower from a fight for what we know in the end is right.

Where did their eyes go?  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

August 1, 2020

Parachute Running

This is a cool new hot activity.

Sprinting with a parachute on for added resistance.

Add in the hot, humid, summer sun burning down.

And you have yourself a decent exercise routine going on.

Hurry up and slow down. 

You run yes, but the parachute says no.

Go! go!! go!!!

You're almost over the finish line. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

June 16, 2020

Just One Punch

This figurine is pretty funny to me.

It reminds of a childhood friend who was a fighter type.

Whenever somebody got on his nerves, he would bellow out in his machismo way:
I kill your whole family with one punch!

Honestly, it wasn't all that scary a threat even as it echoed.

But it was comical when everyone else would mimic the saying at the slightest annoyance.

Kids are people too, wakadoo wakadoo!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

May 2, 2020

Bacteria Vs. Virus--The Cure!

There is an old adage that:
The enemy of my enemy is my friend

Both bacteria and viruses are enemies of people in that they often make us sick. 

If they can make us sick, why can't they be used to fight and make each other sick (i.e. destroy each other). 

Thus, bacteria can be our friend, if we use them to destroy viruses, like Coronavirus. 

Why can't we create a "virus-eating bacteria" (and vice versa "bacteria-eating virus") to destroy these little monsters that are infecting and killing us?

Let our enemies kill each other!  ;-)

(Credit Graphic: Andy Blumenthal)

February 9, 2020

From Victims To Victors

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, "From Victims To Victors."
The critical image of transformation of the Israelites going from the very depths of slavery to the lofty heights of redemption, the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai, and going to the Promised Land is relived again in our very own times. This happened immediately after the Holocaust, when the Jews left the death camps of Europe (in fact, many coming by boat over the Mediterranean Sea instead of on foot over the Red Sea as in biblical times) to come to Israel. Here too, the Jews went on to fight as free men in the War of Independence for the founding of the State of Israel just like the Israelites fought the Amalekites in the desert and the Seven Nations to receive the Promised Land of Israel. Furthermore, just like we received the Torah after the redemption from Egypt, we are seeing an incredible resurgence of Torah learning in Israel today.

In both cases of redemption, we had to transform from being victims of slavery and persecution to instead taking the reins in our hands, and with Hashem's help, determining our own destiny and becoming the victors! Incredibly, just as the Israelites were redeemed by Hashem from Egypt and brought to conquer the Promised land 3300 years ago, so too were we, Jews, brought from the ashes of Auschwitz to the shores of the Israel to fight and become "a free nation in our Land, the Land of Zion, Jerusalem" (Hatikvah). And just like the redemption from Egypt resulted in the building of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) to worship Hashem in the desert, so too will we soon relive the redemption in the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem. Again, in the right time, we will need to have faith and courage to rebuild it with our very hands, and this will happen speedily and truly in our days. May Hashem let it be!

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


September 22, 2019

Rambo Is Back

I got my tickets for this today. 

Can't wait to see it!

Rambo says:
"You started this; I'll end it!"

Justice, justice shalt thou pursue.  ;-)

July 30, 2019

Win Rocky Win

I found this Rocky gem on eBay.

And it arrived, all wrapped up nicely, in the mail yesterday.  

Rocky working out and training. 

His shirt says:
Win Rocky Win

I posed him with his arms up in the air like after a fight in the ring. 

Love his fighting spirit, determination, and integrity. 

Overcoming against all odds. 

Great inspiration. 

Some say we actually look alike. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)