I have never heard so much about the coming of the end of the world, Armageddon, the Apocalypse, and World War III as I am hearing these days...
The world seems to truly be going mad.
And that MAD is as in CRAZY and as in Mutually Assured Destruction.
- 25 years after the end of the Cold War, we are back in a nuclear arms race with Russia!
- Despite being our largest trading and economic partner, we are now going head-to-head confronting China over trade, Taiwan, and the South China Sea!
- While setting some near-term constraints, we have in effect solidified Iran's getting the nuclear bomb!
- As North Korea continues developing and testing nukes and ballistic missiles, we have no answers for how to deal with them!
Not only have we failed to contain the many threats we face, but also in many or most cases, we have made them worse.
- The Middle East has gone from the promise of an Arab Spring to instead raging in flames and becoming the modern-day killing fields.
- Even as ISIS becomes more dangerous despite having less territory, they are likely eclipsed by Iran's global terror expansion as a threat to the world order.
- The refugee crisis has meant that ISIS terrorists have infiltrated our borders and are now living among us ready to strike at will.
- There is a real documented threat of a terrorist attack using radiological, chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons of mass destruction!
- The European Union is falling apart and it's future is unknown.
- Increasing border attacks and escalating tensions are creating a risk of a dangerous Indian-Pakistani War.
Obama has alienated our allies, reduced our stature among the nations, and destabilized the world.
- While people are arguing over the state of hopelessness since the election or from before it, either way, there is huge divisiveness in America.
- Gun ownership is soaring and people are stockpiling ammo.
- Videos have emerged from people in near-death experiences claiming to have vividly seen the coming World War III and the prelude to the coming of the messiah.
- There is even widespread recognition by our space experts that we are woefully unprepared for an errant asteroid or comet hitting the Earth.
Clergy is warning and encouraging us to repent and do good deeds to merit G-d saving us from the coming cataclysm, whatever it ends up being.
I am certainly not a forecaster of doom and gloom, but always try to remain hopeful and encourage everyone to do their best to improve the world.
But I also must reflect on the voices of anger, frustration, and exasperation around the world that are growing ever louder and scarier daily...the latest with Obama's betrayal of Israel at the United Nations Security Council.
What comes next politically may very well determine whether the end is near or the future gets bright again. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Planning For The End Of The World