So I took this photo of a smashed mirror hanging out of a corner trash can in downtown D.C.
Half is reflecting the garbage in the can and half is reflecting the buildings and trees outside.
Such a metaphor for the society we live in these days.
Where we are broken, and society is broken, and certainly lots of government is broken.
And the shards of glass reflect on the both the garbage of what has piled up inside us and the system, but also the possibilities on the outside for development, growth, and change.
The broken mirror with the sharp glass shards is dangerous, but perhaps by seeing the mess we are in, we can finally step up and do something to fix it.
No more circling the wagons, infighting or deflecting from the issues; no more blaming the past or demonizing the opposition; no more excuses for stagnation, incompetence, or impotence; no more whitewashing and red tape; no more firefighting, shoddy quick fixes or waiting for another break/fix; no more whirlwind spin around the dazed and confused; no more sugar-coating, backpedaling, or dressing up or down the facts; no more playing politics or deceiving ourselves and others--is that even possible any longer?
Instead, we change to a model of acknowledging that which is broken and teaming together to fix it--doing something positive, and constructive for ourselves and the world--oh, fix it Dear Henry, please fix it. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Broken Mirror Reflections D.C.