July 30, 2024
May 20, 2024
April 5, 2024
August 17, 2023
February 28, 2023
Stained Glass
Meet it with a grin.
Smilers never lose.
And frowners never win.
So let the sun shine in. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Stained Glass
February 1, 2023
January 5, 2023
Big Swimming Smile
Nose is the swim board.
Mouth is the swim noodle.
That's a really great big swim smile!
(Credit Photo: Rebecca)
Big Swimming Smile
September 9, 2022
Bear Baskets
You can put a happy face on almost anything! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Bear Baskets
July 24, 2022
Wink Wink
That means it's an anniversary sale at Nordstrom.
Goodie goodie. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Wink Wink
July 18, 2022
July 16, 2022
7 Rules of Life
April 15, 2022
Take A Smile
Take a smile.
Give a smile.
Make the world a better place. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Take A Smile
November 12, 2021
Service With A Smile
The smile is contagious.
One ring, and the customer service representative comes running.
Excellence starts with the first ring! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Service With A Smile
August 25, 2020
Happy Days
This smiley face in the yard in front of the house was a perfect real estate addition.
As my father used to sing so beautifully:
When you're smiling, the whole world smiles with you!
It really is a beautiful and positively contagious thing! ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Happy Days
March 25, 2020
O - Change The World - O
Life is Beautiful!It's a gift.
Every day is renewal and opportunity.
Everything is for the best.
Believe it. Live it. And share it.
A smile and a positive attitude is contagious in a good way!
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
O - Change The World - O
March 4, 2019
What Makes Happy
Some like big jobs and lots of power.
Others are happier with more work-life balance.
Some like to pursue lots of degrees and certifications.
Others like to learn on their own and through life experience.
Some like to travel the world.
Others like a day in nature or at the museum.
Some like big families and lots of people around them.
Others like smaller families, close friends, intimacy, or even being more on their own.
Some like lots of money.
Other are happy with having what they need.
Some like to be tremendous athletes.
Other like to just stay fit or maybe are more comfy as "couch potatoes."
Some like to be very religious and follow all the laws.
Others prefer mindfulness, a sense of spirituality and being a "good person."
Some like lots of activities and to always do different things.
Others are more comfortable with routine and incremental change.
We all have basic needs, but we also have different values, priorities and comfort zones.
Happiness isn't a yes or no answer, but what makes us feel on track and doing good. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
What Makes Happy
December 27, 2018
Happy Holidays!
Took this in South Florida this week.
These two guys from Sweden sitting at the pool wearing these Christmas tree hats.
This was just too great to pass up.
As I took the photo, one guy gave me the thumbs up and this was just perfect.
I don't know about you, but they cheered me up even when it seems that the world is otherwise going crazy--in so many ways.
- Politics
- Divisiveness
- Hate
- Fighting
- Injustices
- Suffering
But at the end of the day, it's about the people--and G-d gives us the power to do good and make happy (or vice versa).
This one made me happy! ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Happy Holidays!
November 29, 2018
Say YES!
It says:
Start With Yes
I remember an old boss who used to say:
Don't make me get through no to get to yes.
The idea as another colleague put it is to:
Keep a smile on your face and your focus on the customer; everything else takes care of itself.
Basically, it's all our jobs to make sure that the customer's needs are being met.
That doesn't mean that we don't need to differentiate between requirements and desirements or that we need to deliver the yacht in the first go around.
As a 4th colleague put it:
The customer is in the water. They want the yacht. But I can give them a boat. It gets them to where they want to go, and they no longer need to swim. We can work our way up to a yacht.
Good analogy analogy and good things to keep in mind for customer service excellence! ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Say YES!
September 17, 2018
Great Comic Characters
They are originals put together by the comic creator.
The characters are made from colored Perler Beads.
Once the beads are laid out into these awesome characters, they are iron-melted together.
Each of these was advertised for $20 (not the $15 listed at the top of the picture), but we got a deal.
Together as a set, they are very cool, colorful, and fun to liven up any environment.
I have them on a display at home and it's nice to not be so serious all the time, and instead let loose with some creative juice. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Great Comic Characters
August 9, 2018
Why Can't People Be Genuine
It starts perhaps with that big, warm smile.
Maybe a handshake and hug.
Perhaps, you even get a kiss or two (it's cultural, I think, LOL).
Colleagues, friends, you're just like family.
Sometimes it's real and you truly found something valuable in your life.
There are good people of soul and conscience out there.
But other times it's an act, a sham, deception, you're the fool.
The other person wants something--cash, control, connections.
Oh by the way, can I ask you for just a "little" favor?
You wouldn't mind if...?
Just do XYZ for me, I got your back.
I see you know so and so, would you introduce me?
I have a great investment opportunity for you, let me tell you all about it.Sure it's okay and actually wonderful in a real relationship for people to be there for each other and help each others..."that's what [real] friends are for!"
The problem is where the friendship is only about the ask for the benefit of the other and no care for you as a person.
Then the smile isn't a genuine collegial or friendship one of happiness and outreach. but rather it's upside down to get you to do something legit or illegit for the person pressing their lips up and out into that smile you already know is all about the ask. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Why Can't People Be Genuine