Showing posts with label Crickets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crickets. Show all posts

August 28, 2019

Revolting Bug Food

So this is the latest food items in modern supermarkets.

It says:

"Eat Bugs"

Bugs are a source of high protein.

Crunchy too.  

The ones above were Cheddar Cheese Crickets!

There was also Chile-Lime Crickets (with Pumpkin Seeds) and Dark Chocolate Crickets (with Amaranth Seeds).

Then came the BBQ and Honey Mustard Crickets 


And to top it all of some Salt and Pepper Mealworms.

OMG folks, we have gone back to the Stone Ages eating this crap. 

Or maybe this is all that will be left when Armageddon finally comes.  ;-)

(Credit Photos: Andy Blumenthal)