March 4, 2024
May 22, 2023
Boy Smells Odor
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Boy Smells Odor
October 25, 2022
Old World Refrigerator
Inside, I'd imagine you'd find stinky sardines, cans of open beer, and some half-eaten slices of pizza. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Old World Refrigerator
February 3, 2022
"Whoopee" Goldberg Is Full Of It
Goldberg had the stupidity and audacity to bellow that the Holocaust was "not about race," after Hitler systematically murdered six million Jewish men, woman, and children just because they were Jews, which he believed was an inferior race to the Aryan nation.
"Hitler promoted a racial ideology that identified Whites (he called 'Aryans') as superior and everyone else as inferior. Since Jews in Europe were considered White he classified them as a different race – a race of people that he said was not only inferior but 'dangerous' and needed to be destroyed." - Museum of Tolerance
Instead of Goldberg being completely ashamed of herself for her racist, anti-Semitic remarks desecrating the memories of millions of innocent people genocidally murdered, the narcissistic Goldberg is angry that she got suspended for a measly two weeks.
Whoopi Goldberg is a disgrace and has-been, and should not only be wholly condemned, but fired and put into the trash-bin of Hollywood history! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Adapted by Andy Blumenthal from Sandra Fauconnier via Flickr)
"Whoopee" Goldberg Is Full Of It
August 31, 2021
Fox Tails Rainbow
Ok, they're colored but still from fox.
I asked the lady where the rest of the foxes where.
She pointed to the face masks in the tray (again real skinned faces from the foxes).
Then she pointed me to the inside of the store, and said the rest of the foxes are in there. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Fox Tails Rainbow
April 20, 2021
Demeaning Candlestick Holders
It figures that an extremely rich person would have candlestick holders like this.
They think it's ok to have your "personal servants" bring you and hold your lights.
Even as they are in spiritual darkness enslaving their fellow human beings.
No, their not helping people by giving them a (shitty) job even as they routinely mistreat them.
Where are people's (screwed up) brains?
The wealthy often actually believe they are entitled to their grossly extravagant lifestyles.
Wait they they come back in the next life and they'll see what they are entitled to! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Demeaning Candlestick Holders
April 23, 2020
Josep Borrell: A History Of Anti-Semitism
Borrell has threatened Israel that if they follow the United States' Middle East Peace Plan that includes annexing 30% of the West Bank then "it could not pass unchallenged," even though:
- It is part of the Biblical promised land.
- Israel won it in a war of self-defense against multiple attacking Arab armies in 1967.
- It is recognized as absolutely strategically necessary to Israel's peace and security.
Understanding that this is not an isolated incident, Borrell has an anti-Israel and pro-Iranian track record that includes his stating:
Iran wants to wipe out Israel; nothing new about that. You have to live with it.
Borrell's Jew hate apparently goes all the way back to when he was a child and participated in a sickening pogrom in the 1950s where he yelled "To Kill Jews."
Can you imagine that this is who the European Union selects to be their High Representative AND what does this say about the EU after all the atrocities they committed against the Jews: the Holocaust, Spanish Inquisition, Crusades, expulsions and pogroms?
The EU should very publicly dump this anti-Semite Borrell and place him in the trash bin of history where this type of disgusting behavior and hateful sentiment belongs. ;-)
Josep Borrell: A History Of Anti-Semitism
January 24, 2020
NJ Pollution--How Do You Ignore It?
The pollution and stink coming out of these smokestacks running up and down the Turnpike is enough to make anyone sick.
Personally, I had to cover my nose and mouth with my shirt just to try and filter this crap out.
What do people tell themselves that live near these?
Oh, it's okay because the government regulators wouldn't let them be here otherwise!
For real???
If you can see it's nasty, and you can smell that it's nasty, and there is a lot of it, then you better wake up as to what you are breathing, drinking, and eating.
How about these polluters put a cork in it once and for all! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
NJ Pollution--How Do You Ignore It?
August 28, 2019
Revolting Bug Food
It says:
"Eat Bugs"
Bugs are a source of high protein.
Crunchy too.
The ones above were Cheddar Cheese Crickets!
There was also Chile-Lime Crickets (with Pumpkin Seeds) and Dark Chocolate Crickets (with Amaranth Seeds).
Then came the BBQ and Honey Mustard Crickets
And to top it all of some Salt and Pepper Mealworms.
OMG folks, we have gone back to the Stone Ages eating this crap.
Or maybe this is all that will be left when Armageddon finally comes. ;-)
(Credit Photos: Andy Blumenthal)
Revolting Bug Food
October 1, 2018
Bad Little Mousey
They came into the office and had a big surprise.
I won't ask you to guess what it was.
I'll start off by giving you a hint.
It came from a mouse.
Yep, they actually had what they called, "mouse poop" on their desk.
Have to laugh even at the term...
But this is not what you want to have to deal with first thing in the morning, or anytime for that matter.
What can you do though?
We share the world with other living creatures and if they want to poop on your desk--what are you really gonna do about it?
I suggested setting some traps, but they said they want to see if it happens again.
That's two too many times for me.
Now though I learned to be grateful if my desk is poop-free. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Bad Little Mousey
July 8, 2016
I'm Telling You They're Really New
I went online and ordered a brand NEW pair.
A few days later, the fins arrive in an envelope (no box).
Already sort of terrified at what I will find in this strange bag, I slowly open it up, and find a completely disgusting dirty, scuffed, USED pair of fins with no tags or packaging.
Ew...I am so grossed out and contact the vendor right away to return these, but instead of customer service, I got a boat load of b.s. and chutzpah.
They made a million excuses, tried to make me feel bad, and basically refused to provide for a return, saying that the product is not really used, that it just got dirty in the mail and on the trucks and all, and I just have to clean them off a little!
When I question them about why there was no box or packaging, they say, "Oh that, well we take it out of the box, so we can ship it more cheaply for you!
I said, "What right do you have to take it out of the packaging when I ordered it new--maybe I want the packaging or need to give the item as a gift?"
Then they go on to give me an ear-full about about the high cost of shipping and that I should thank them for removing the packaging to the keep costs down (but the problem is that they were trying to keep costs down in more ways than one here).
They continue to berate me as well about how I should be more understanding as to the dirt and scuff marks, since it's no big deal, because when I put it in the pool, the water and the chlorine will wash it off and kill all the germs anyway!
After patiently taking this abuse for a while, I went online and saw that others had the same experience with this merchant--getting sent used goods in the mail that had been advertised and paid for as new.
Now I had had it up to HERE, and I promptly did my duty and went online to give them an appropriate customer review to help others from getting cheated like this in the future.
Guess what happens next?
They email me to tell me that they took note of my feedback and not that they are sorry about what happened and want to fix it, but that "We will never ship to you again."
My wife explodes laughing...mwahahahahaha--like who would ever want to go back and do more business with these crooks.
People are absolutely crazy out there.
Caveat emptor (buyer beware) a million times. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
I'm Telling You They're Really New
January 26, 2016
Plastic Pigs
It's between the West Coast and Hawaii.
And it's called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
Get this...
It's about twice the size of Texas.
Now researchers are predicting that by 2050, our oceans will hold more plastic than fish!
"More than 8 million tons of plastics end up entering our oceans each year."
And we're dumping the equivalent of one garbage truck of plastic into the ocean every minute.
Just 5% of plastic waste gets recycled.
So far there is a 165 million tons of plastic trash in the ocean right now.
The plastic pieces can survive hundreds of years.
We are making a darn mess of this planet.
The 5 cent surcharge for plastic bags is a joke in this respect.
Maybe ISIS actually won't be the end of Western civilization, but plastic will be.
Who's paying off whom to keep this plastic money wagon going to poison our planet? ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Plastic Pigs
September 4, 2015
Feeling So Naughty
It's from Trader Joe's and it's called Baconesque.
It's popcorn with white cheddar and bacon-like's Kosher (OU, Dairy)!
The sidebar from the man and lady dancing on the packaging says, "I can't believe it's not bacon!" and I'm thinking I can't believe it's just like bacon!
So I tear open the package, and dug in for my first taste of bacon-like popcorn (note: except for imitation bacon bites which my sister used to put on salads, I've never tasted bacon or anything like it).
One handful, two handful...almost puking now.
Yeah, it tastes like I thought it would, but maybe Jews know a little something too...I like a good piece of beef better, much much better. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Feeling So Naughty