Pac-Man eating the dots/pellets and going for the ghost.
The classic arcade video game from 1980s still speaks volumes.
Pac-Man is goal-oriented and hungrily eat the pellet pieces, but if the ghosts touch him first then he's toast (or at least one of his 3 lives are).
Not so different from real life...
We try to reach our goals, by taking one bite at a time until we "eat the elephant."
But if those people who are naysayers, haters, Debbie Downers, and obstructionists, get to us first, then we can not only lose momentum, and but also eventually be forced to divert or miss out on achieving our goals.
Ghosts aren't hollow friendly creatures, but those who want to stop progress, stop you, and maybe even end your pellet-eating life.
You need to eat the super "power pellets" to overcome and eat the ghosts.
Eating all the pellets can be a herculean task requirement strength, resourcefulness, and determination, but that's what takes you to the next level in the game of life. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)