Thinking about what I really value and whether I am living consistently with these...
For me, I was able to clarify for myself these critical values:
1) Being a good person and influence in the world (having a positive impact on people and ideas)
2) Being a good family man (a loving husband, father, and previously son)
3) Being spiritual and serving G-d (living selflessly for my Maker and not selfishly for myself)
4) Being a hard worker (living productively and not as a laggard or sloth)
5) Being a balanced person (living along the "golden path" or "middle of the road"--not an extremist)
6) Being a generally healthy person (living a lifestyle that includes activity, exercise, good nutrition, and no smoking, drugs, or excessive drinking)
What I realized is that when I need to let my values guide me every moment of every day.
This ultimately means my success and happiness!
Being what I think that I am supposed to be or what others would want me to be, just doesn't work--it's a strategy for failure.
My father used to tell me:
"Let your conscience be your guide" (that and the Torah, of course)
This is the answer to a lot of questions that I have in my life--about what to do with my life and what decisions to make.
Values--driven by conscience and integrity--that's where I want to go next and next. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)