He was murdered!
How do I know?
It was on the coffee cup at Starbucks, of course.
Honestly, I don't really care that much how he died, but am just grateful that sick louse is a goner. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal, and no, it's not my coffee!)
What REALLY Happened to Jeffrey Epstein
Oh Deer!
Crispy Fried Mushroom
Like the colorful coat that Jacob gave Joseph to wear, the mitzvah of tefillin that G-d gave us to wear is also filled with spiritual color and the love of Hashem. This is in no way intended as sacrilegious or as trying to change our holy mitzvot. Rather it is an artistic attempt to see the tefillin in a new way that perhaps excites and bring Jews back to this important mitzvah.
The Beauty of Tefillin
Flowers and Well Wishes 4 Shabbat Shalom!
Nature Boy
Celebrating The Holidays
Limp Noodles {SAD}
Happy Hanukah Trader Joe's Style
Over the last decades since 1973, Israel has taken strong actions again to beef up their defenses and leave no stone unturned including taking the bold steps in destroying the menacing nuclear reactors of Iraq in 1981 and the Syrian reactor in 2007. Now Israel is facing a similar decision on action with Iran and their weapons of mass destruction. Israel and the United States need to leave no stone unturned in trying to find a path towards a peaceful resolution with Iran, but if that stone threatens potential annihilation of Israel and other western allies, then there should be no doubt whatever that Israel and other civilized nations must act once more to remove the threat and turn that stone into harmless dust again.
Israel Must Leave No Stone Unturned
Holiday Earrings With Pizazz
Woman In Gold, Gold, and More Gold
Beautiful Solar Power
Eyewash Smiley
Superhero Dress
The Best Jobs 2020 and Beyond
From The Tree of Life Synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh to the Poway Synagogue shooting in California to the shooting at the kosher market in Jersey City this week. The latest shooting occurred literally just the day before President Trump issued an executive order at a White House Chanukah celebration to cover anti-Semitic acts under the civil rights laws that ban discrimination based on national origin. Yet, despite the Constitution and all the protective laws and orders on the books, we are getting to the point where it is starting to look and feel awfully like there is nowhere safe anymore if you are a Jew, even in this great land of freedom.
Another Week, Another Anti-Semitic Attack
What I Want to Be When I Grow Up (LOL)
Training With Paper Airplanes
No people should suffer blatant prejudice and persecution and everyone should be “entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” These are part of the foundational values that America and Israel share. We stand as friends and allies for respecting and valuing human rights, always to be underscored by peace and security for our peoples. Isn’t it an amazing “coincidence” that the rescue in Entebbe occurred on America’s 200th anniversary, July 4, 1976!
Operation Thunderbolt: Fighting Prejudice and Persecution
The Best of Jewish Nigunim
It’s interesting that faith and fear are incompatible and they cannot coexist. Where one is, the other is not. Just like the light chases away the darkness, so too does faith expel fear from our lives. When we believe that G-d is in charge of everything that happens, and that he loves us and ultimately wants what is good of us then what is there for us to fear?
Faith Chases Out The Fear
Fire Stripes on Buggy
Salad and Falafel
Now Dat's Customer Service
Two Things To Know
Ocean Waves Electric
Lifeguard Needs A Lifeguard
This week was Thanksgiving (חג ההודיה), but for Jews we are already called, "The People of Thanksgiving. "We are named יהודים (Yehudim) after יהודה (Yehudah), the son of Isaac and Leah because Leah said (Genesis 29:35): "הפעם אודה את יהיה." ("This time let me thank G-d"). Also as Jews, we are not just called the People of Thanksgiving, but we are actively supposed to say 100 blessings a day thanking G-d, so in the true sense of the word, everyday is Thanksgiving Day for the Jewish people.
Jews, The People of Thanksgiving
Impressive Brightline
Graffiti Art
A Song of Saul and David
Birds Dropping In For Lunch
Surfing USA Beach
Ferrari Motor Furniture
The Rebbetzin explained beautifully that when we live a good life, not only does our soul live on in the afterlife, but our good deeds continue to have an influence in this world even after we, ourselves, have passed.
The Life and Legacy of Sarah
Tuna Salad - Eating Healthy
Not WHO They Seem
Plea For A Wireless World
"Someone pooped in the pool."
Pool Poop Galore