Showing posts with label Fresh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fresh. Show all posts

July 29, 2024

Flowers of the Day

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


December 27, 2023

OMG! Were They Delicious

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


August 25, 2023

Hot Chili Peppers

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


December 29, 2022

Beautiful Fruit Salad

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


December 14, 2021

Beautiful Fresh Fruit Cups

Overflowing cups of fresh fruit.

Colorful and appetizing. 

Amazing natural foods that G-d has given us.

I don't think any metaverse can even come close.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


June 24, 2021

Ever Sit On A Cow

Ben and Jerry's has great ice cream and an earthy, peaceful decor. 

This cow comes with child's seat is a good use of the store's "real estate."

Both country fresh milk from the cow and a kid-friendly environment too.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


April 22, 2021

Here Fishy Fishy

Photo of fish in tank at restaurant. 

Almost looks like the fish is floating through the air. 

Is he next on someone's plate?

Don't worry Ms. Fish, all will be tasty and well!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


September 8, 2020

Laundry is a Colorful Cleaning Affair

It's great when laundry goes from smelly and dirty to fresh and clean!

Some nice refreshing laundry detergent is just what's needed. 

When the detergent comes in big, bright bottles like here, then it's even a more inviting experience. 

Clean laundry, clean mind, clean mouth way to go! ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

December 22, 2019

Happy Hanukah Trader Joe's Style

Trader Joe's has the best food shopping experience, hands down. 

They also have the best edible and good tasting fresh, healthy food. 

On top of it, they have a nice gift card for a Happy Hanukah!

I vote that we replace the other crummy supermarkets with Trader Joes instead. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal) 

December 5, 2019

Salad and Falafel

Continuing the healthy eating trend...

This was delicious salad and falafel with Tzatziki sauce and Italian dressing. 

It was so fresh and good.

Honestly, I wanted to eat more of this. 

Who needs all the junk foods. 

This looks good, tastes good, and is good for you!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

July 26, 2019

Duck Donuts Don't

A colleague brought these unbelievable fresh, hot, Duck Donuts into the office yesterday. 

Each one weighs like a brick and is so full of carbohydrate good(bad)ness. 

I had to use all my self-control and willpower not to eat any (or all) of these. 

It comes down to mind over matter--If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!  ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

July 1, 2019

Potpourri Smells

I'm not really into perfumed smells.

But I thought these bowls and batches of potpourri were pretty attractive. 

The fruits and petals mixed with spices looked good. 

I guess anything that can improve on room odors is a positive thing. 

I sort of imagine the scent of the potpourri battling the odors in the room and pushing and pulling back and forth until one smell wins out.  

Better keep that potpourri new and fresh--the nose knows. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

February 15, 2019

Shabbat Shalom!

Love this picture that my daughter took in Israel of the Challahs for Shabbat. 

So fresh and delicious. 

Plenty for all. 

G-d's blessing for a restful Shabbos.

Thank you for sanctifying us with your mitzvot. ;-)

(Source Photo: Minna Blumenthal)

December 29, 2018

Best Cup Of Tea

So my daughter went out for dinner in Israel and she sends me this photo of an amazing cup of tea. 

- Cinnamon

- Lemon

- Ginger

- Mint

What's so great is you can actually see the cinnamon stick, mint leaves, and lemon and ginger slices. 

It's completely fresh and healthy, and not just from a tea bag or minced up tea in a tin. 

To me, this looks absolutely appetizing and delicious!

Usually, I'm a Snapple Iced Tea type of a guy, but for sure, I'd go for some this fresh tea from Israel...L'Chaim! ;-)

(Source Photo: Minna Blumenthal)

December 28, 2017

Walmart Ain't Got Nothing On The Shuk

The Shuk (Marketplace) in Jerusalem is one of the most exciting and affordable shopping experiences. 

Vendor after vendor.

Row after row. 

Items stocked high for the taking and eating.  

From the most delicious foods to Judaica items.

Fresh-baked breads and gooey chocolatey pastries. 

Halvah and baklava!

Fruits and vegetables.

Spices, olives, figs, and dates.

Fish and meat.

Nuts, cheeses, and wines.

Candy, coffee, and slushes.

Hamburgers and falafel. 

Virtually endless. 

Dizzying in a good way from all the people and products.

Like the old times, but anew.

So much life and you never know what you'll find. 

It's exciting in a way that big box Walmart will never be. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

August 1, 2017

Beautiful Summer Fruit

Wow, how beautiful an array of colorful summer fruit. 

Saw this at Balducci's (classy store). 

Watermelon, cantalope, pineapple, and mango.

Sliced and all nicely packaged up together ready to eat.

Looks yum!

Amazing what G-d creates. 

And he bestows on man the ability to put the finishing touches. 

Thank you Oh L-rd, who gives us the delicious and beautiful fruit of the tree.

Yes, it's an unusual blog for Tisha B'Av--maybe I'm craving the food. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

December 23, 2015

Wicked Good Waffles

Just wanted to share this yummy waffle from the Wicked Waffle in Bethesda, Maryland. 

This waffle was steaming hot and had sugared flour and chocolate drizzle and had less than 200 calories!

The Wicked Waffle has all sorts of waffle sandwiches...made fresh right there in front of you. 

Grilled cheese, egg and cheese, tuna melt, tomato with mozzarella and arugula, waffle french toast, also meat waffle sandwiches (but those not kosher). 

The only food that can take on waffles is pancakes, but these wicked waffles will give any pancake a very big run for the money. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


September 8, 2015

Smelt It Dealt It

As kids, there always used to be someone who would run around holding their nose, and yelling at the smallest sign of someone's flatulence...Eew!

In turn, the other kids would all chime in: "The person who smelt it, dealt it!"

Might as well push the responsibility where it rightfully belongs--uh, maybe. 

This is what kids do--they are not politically correct in the slightest!

Are adults any better really?

I've seen grown men and women start holding their noses and waving their hands in front of their faces when someone is stinking up the local air.

In particular, this happens quite a bit on places like the crowded Metro and elevators...going down. 

People are unforgiving when the air is foul. 

Personally, I am very sensitive to bad smells and hot air--my A/C is running full blast all around the year...even in Winter, seriously!

When I saw this sign in a storefront window that said, "Free Smells," I thought to myself, gee we got enough smells to last a lifetime, and that's why fresh air and nature is so appealing to the good 'ol olfactory senses. 

Free smells...unless it's fresh flowers or some savory dish to eat--you can have it--free or not, I frankly don't give a damn.  

My personal belief is that an odor is far more likely to cause you a gag sensation than put a refreshing smile on your ugly face. 

Good etiquette, keep your smells to yourself. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

December 6, 2014

10 Reasons To Love Traders Joe's and 2 To Not

There are many reasons to love Trader Joe's, but here's my top 10 (can you tell I just came from there?):

1) Pretty much you can depend that their food is good and fresh, and a lot of it is readymade and "convenient". 

2) Prices are a value considering much of what they sell is private label, premium, or super premium--like the "Belgium chocolate" above!

3) They have many items in single-serve portions, so the food is easy to make, clean up, and store. 

4) The stores are relatively small, clean, well lit, and cozy with a limited number of goods, making shopping quick and easy--they've already narrowed the field for you. 

5) They have freebies to taste in the aisles--tonight it was 2 types of coffee and a pumpkin cheesecake sample--the check out guy asked me if I had a chance to try it--uh, not on my diet, but thanks!

6) They have a cool customer service bell in front that they ring whenever you need something done--tonight it was as simple as replacing a package that had opened up--ring, ring--a clerk brought up a brand new one, jiffy quick. 

7) They double bag the goods, so the bags don't break on the way home and the goodies don't fall out. 

8) Typically convenient locations in major shopping areas and short lines inside...never have to wait more than one person ahead on the line. 

9) They are eco-friendly and have lot's of stuff that is organic, non-genetically modified, and without artificial anything. 

10) They ask you--and seem to mean it--if you found everything okay with your shopping experience, and seem more than ready to correct anything that was less than perfect. 

Despite these wonderful traits, there is something about Trader Joe's that's Normal Rockwell all smiley, small-townish annoying and claustrophobic, especially in the age of the more modern megastore supermarkets and Costco warehouses.

So it's not the only store I go to--variety is still the spice of life. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

April 20, 2014

Swim ~ Splash ~ Swim

At the pool this morning, the fresh clean water was pouring in.

Swimming in the hot sun, I headed straight for the cool splash.

The water was frothing white against the blue background.

As it hit the pool, it created this amazing bubbling beneath the surface.

I swam under it a number of times and came up through the bubbling fresh water. 

Sort of felt like I was swimming in a waterfall in the Amazon or something exotic like that. 

Hey, I can imagine...but it really was amazing with the water, the sun, the air--felt so alive!

I am thankful to G-d for allowing me this wonderful moment today to feel his beauty in the world. 

(Source Photo: Dannielle Blumenthal)