People like to play games--the type you have fun at.
We learn to play when we are kids.
We get the attention of our parents and friends--and we have fun just being together, acting silly or even competing with each other.
Whether it's over a game of Life, Monopoly, Risk, or Connect Four, or even these days going online with a game of Minecraft or Crush.
Sports is another type of game--great to play and others like to watch and cheer for their favorite teams or athletes.
This week at work, someone said to come to his meeting because:
"...everyone would have fun."
Have you ever heard that at work--a fun meeting or for that matter anything being fun in an office setting?
The guy is a genius--people actually showed up in droves at the meeting.
They had to choose between various meetings going on at that time--and low and behold, people chose this one that was going to be fun!
In the meeting, there was a big bowl of candy and chocolate in the center of the conference table.
And the mood was relaxed as we got down to some business.
While we did the business, people felt free to be a little silly and laugh with each other too.
The tone had been set for some fun.
The person who hosted the meeting explained that he wanted people to have a good time coming to the meeting (and to work).
He called it "gamification."
The idea is why not make things into a type of game and have some fun with it instead of everything being so stuck up and nasty all the time.
Listen, it was still a meeting and work had to get done, but it was nice to see a different lighter perspective put on it.
People want to enjoy what they do--whether it's time with their family, friends, or why not even their work.
If we can make more things in life into a game of sorts and put "fun" into the equation of what we do--people smile, laugh, and let down their guards a little.
Why shouldn't adult play games and have fun too? ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)