Video by Corning on glass uses for the future and what a future it is going to be (G-d willing).
Called: "A Day Made of Glass...Made possible by Corning."
This made me want for more of these capabilities NOW.
Imagine everything you do, but doing it better with glass display powered by technology and lots of information--all around you, as you need it!
I was aware of Corning's use of glass in high-tech ways for fiber optics transmission (i.e. Internet) and for the Hubble Telescope.
Now so many types of glass for seemingly every functional area of our lives...
- Photovoltaic
- LCD Television
- Architectural
- Surface
- Appliance Veneer
- Handheld
- Automotive
- Large-Format
- All Weather
- Wall Format
- Work Surface
- Electronics Ready
- Large Panel
- Flexible
- 3-D TV
- Portable
Smart products, great vision, and a future that I want to buy into.
Thanks to my relative, Alex S. for sending this video my way.