What an awesome puzzle by Ravensburger.
So colorful, beautiful, and alive.
The sea is teeming with gorgeous fish! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
What an awesome puzzle by Ravensburger.
So colorful, beautiful, and alive.
The sea is teeming with gorgeous fish! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Fish of The Sea
Blue Surf.
Sun and Sky.
Palm Trees.
Relaxing! ;-)
(Credit The Beautiful Creation: G-d Almighty)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Simply Marvelous!
Spreading its wings.
Flying gently.
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Beautiful Purim Butterfly
Red fish, blue fish.
Swarms of the sea.
They swim and they churn.
How many can there be? ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Red Fish Blue Fish
Colorful and appetizing.
Amazing natural foods that G-d has given us.
I don't think any metaverse can even come close. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Beautiful Fresh Fruit Cups
The way it is on one hand natural and on the other hand "sculpted" by people.
Sort of a metaphor for life, where G-d gives us the raw material and asks us to go do good with it.
G-d creates and people shape that creation.
Beautiful partnership makes a beautiful Bonsai! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Beautiful Bonsai Tree
Either way a beautiful display!
G-d has made such an amazing world for us.
And all our senses get to enjoy it.
If you let yourself stop and experience it, your heart and soul can be uplifted with the joy of it all! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Bicycle and Flowers
Kiddush for Friday Evening by Andy Blumenthal
Clearly, from the President on down to each and every one of us, we can be certain that none of us is perfect. However, G-d put us here, precisely, to have the opportunity to repair our imperfections. In this earthly world, our soul is tested, and we thereby have the opportunity to come out stronger and better because of it. The challenges in this world provide the "purification by fire" that our souls need to elevate themselves from past mistakes or imperfections. In essence, G-d in his ultimate benevolence — of love, kindness, and giving — bestows on us, His children, the chance to learn and grow and to realize our potential!
The Elections: Perfecting Our Imperfections
Frog Ready To Spring
Camel In Thought
The Rabbi asked why did Hashem who is omnipotent even need to create us? And he answered because in G-d being the ultimate good, He “had to create us”—this in essence being the ultimate expression of good by sharing that goodness with us to learn and be good as well. In short, what could be a greater good than extending that opportunity to be be good to others.
Avraham, The Ultimate Mensch
Pelican Shabbos
It is ingenious how the letters of the Aleph and Bet and Tishrei (the dates when Rosh Hashanah occurs) is exactly equivalent to the letters in the Hebrew word for Genesis (Bereshit), which is the event of creation that we celebrate on the Jewish New Year.
The Magical Letters Of Tishrei
G-d Is Good.
G-d Is Good
Born With The Music
Beautiful Tutim
The Cave Tree
Black Hole--What's Really Important?