This is a disturbing 2-hour documentary called Zeitgeist (2007) by filmmaker Peter Joseph.
The first few minutes are a little weird so give it a chance or skip forward to the harsh crux of the movie that starts at around 8:45.
This films makes you question your assumptions on religion, politics, and economics.
According to the New York Times, Mr. Joseph has since "moved away from" his outlandish conspiratorial allegations that 9/11 was an "inside job."
But if even a tiny percentage of this movie has any merit, it gives us pause to reflect on what is real, perceived, and just some very good marketing perhaps.
Putting aside their wild conspiracy claims, The Zeitgeist Movement, according to The Huffington Post, advocates for a society that is moneyless and stateless, and with apparently disarmament not far behind.
Instead, their group sees the world run by a great global computer that monitors resources for preservation, sustainability and I would assume allocation, and maximizes efficiencies through "labor automation."
It seems as if their ideology is modeled not only on "social values" but on socialism.
The most important things that I think I took away from the movie can be summarized in the following:
1) G-d is unquestionable and that's what faith is all about.
2) Critical thinking is incredibly important--don't just take everything, or maybe anything, for granted.
3) Power must be a means to an end and not an end itself and like American Singer-Songwriter, Jimi Hendrix said: "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."