December 31, 2019

What REALLY Happened to Jeffrey Epstein

It was incredible to find out today what really happened to that convicted sex offender, slime bucket, Jeffrey Epstein. 

He was murdered!

How do I know?

It was on the coffee cup at Starbucks, of course. 

Honestly, I don't really care that much how he died, but am just grateful that sick louse is a goner.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal, and no, it's not my coffee!)

December 30, 2019

Oh Deer!

So you really don't want a deer ending up on the grill of your car. 

Not good for the deer (dead meat!) and not good for your car. 

My daughter and son-in-law just gave me Deer Warning Whistles. 

They are supposed to emit ultrasonic sound waves that warn the deer away. 

Anything that keeps the deer away is welcome in my neck of the woods. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

December 29, 2019

Crispy Fried Mushroom

These are crispy fried mushrooms.

They look like worms. 

And they are sweet and taste out of this world. 

From a local vegan restaurant. 

It's one of the best appetizers. 

Like candy really.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

December 28, 2019

The Beauty of Tefillin

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, "The Beauty of Tefillin."
Like the colorful coat that Jacob gave Joseph to wear, the mitzvah of tefillin that G-d gave us to wear is also filled with spiritual color and the love of Hashem. This is in no way intended as sacrilegious or as trying to change our holy mitzvot. Rather it is an artistic attempt to see the tefillin in a new way that perhaps excites and bring Jews back to this important mitzvah.

Over time, as I continued to learn and grow as a person and as a Jew, I found much of my way back to Yiddishkeit and to wearing my holy tefillin with love and Joy. To me they are forever colorful and full of spiritual energy that are uplifting to me as I pray with them on for Hashem’s everlasting mercy and blessings for all of us.

(Credit Image: Andy Blumenthal)


December 27, 2019

Flowers and Well Wishes 4 Shabbat Shalom!

"When you keep the Sabbath day, the Sabbath day keeps you!"

(Credit Graphic: Andy Blumenthal)

December 26, 2019

Aish Kumzitz - Hanukah 2019

(Credit Videos: Andy Blumenthal)

December 25, 2019

Nature Boy

When I was a kid and I went to the supermarket with my mom, I remember always seeing the "Andy Boy Broccoli" in the produce aisle. 

Of course, I was always curious why Broccoli was called Andy Boy--what boy or any kid for that matter likes to eat broccoli???

And like most things in life, there really wasn't a good answer except that this company, "Andy Boy" grows and distributes it. 

Anyway, I was always a nature boy feeling most at home and at peace in the countryside. 

I love being in nature, surrounded by G-d's amazing beauty, and at one with the universe and with G-d.  

In building all our great cities, buildings, and structures, aside from the crowding, pollution, crime and traffic that we have consequently, we have also lost something elementary to our lives with the absence of real nature. 

A park is not a forest.  A pond is not a river.  A plant is a not a lush valley.  A garden is not a farm.  A hill is not a mountain range.  A pet is not a teeming ecosystem of diverse life.  

The city is man made and fake, but nature is from G-d and real. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

December 24, 2019

Celebrating The Holidays

This holiday outfit has got to win an award. 

The matching suit and tie with all the decorative holiday ornaments. 

The bright red shirt. 

The tree hat with the star on top.

And the dark glasses. 

Wow, standout city!

Where do you get clothing like this?

I wonder if I could do this with a menorah too. LOL

Happy Holidays to all.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

December 23, 2019

Limp Noodles {SAD}

No, they're not noodles.

They are pencils in the museum. 

And they are certainly limp, if not completely dead. 

Who in the world would use a clown pencil like this?

This is some serious dysfunction. 

If I could, I would certainly prescribe some much needed Viagra for these. LOL

They are that sad! ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

December 22, 2019

Happy Hanukah Trader Joe's Style

Trader Joe's has the best food shopping experience, hands down. 

They also have the best edible and good tasting fresh, healthy food. 

On top of it, they have a nice gift card for a Happy Hanukah!

I vote that we replace the other crummy supermarkets with Trader Joes instead. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal) 

December 21, 2019

Israel Must Leave No Stone Unturned

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, "Israel Must Leave No Stone Unturned."
Over the last decades since 1973, Israel has taken strong actions again to beef up their defenses and leave no stone unturned including taking the bold steps in destroying the menacing nuclear reactors of Iraq in 1981 and the Syrian reactor in 2007. Now Israel is facing a similar decision on action with Iran and their weapons of mass destruction. Israel and the United States need to leave no stone unturned in trying to find a path towards a peaceful resolution with Iran, but if that stone threatens potential annihilation of Israel and other western allies, then there should be no doubt whatever that Israel and other civilized nations must act once more to remove the threat and turn that stone into harmless dust again.

Whether towards peace or G-d forbid to war, Israel must be courageous to act and leave no stone unturned to secure its peace and security, or the ultimate defeat of its unrelenting enemies. Israel must be like Joseph, and be able to interpret the dreams and events unfolding before them, and like Pharaoh to make the decision to act and restore the meticulous butler, hang the negligent and dangerous baker, and save the nation from otherwise assured destruction. May G-d give us the wisdom, courage, and strength to do what we must eventually do and let it be for the good.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


December 19, 2019

Holiday Earrings With Pizazz

These holiday earrings have loads of pizazz.

Watch them flash red from ear to ear!

The funny thing is no one else even notices. 

What an awesome holiday fashion statement from The Nation's Capital. ;-)

(Credit Video: Andy Blumenthal)

December 18, 2019

Woman In Gold, Gold, and More Gold

What an amazing painting featured in the movie, Woman In Gold.

The painting is called the Portrait of Adele Block-Bauer I and was commissioned by her adoring husband. 

That face! And surrounded by everything in gold yet you can still clearly make out her stunning dress. 

I've never seen anything like this: the vividness and the majesty of it. 

Honestly, I think there is a resemblance to my beautiful mother, Gerda Blumenthal who was also from Germany. 

The interesting history on this is that it was stolen by the Nazis from the Jewish owners in the Holocaust, but was finally returned to their family in America that succeeded in suing Austria for it back.

This is truly one of the greats! ;-)

(Credit Photo: Gustav Klimt [Public domain])

Beautiful Solar Power

Thought this was a beautiful rendition of solar power. 

You can have energy. 

And you can have art. 

Here you can have both. 

It's functional to harness the sun's energy and it's designed to look sleek and fit the landscape. 

Nice job by Florida Power and Light (FPL)!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

December 17, 2019

Eyewash Smiley

Had to take a second look at this eyewash station with the bright yellow caps.

I suppose this is good if you get something in your eye(s) and need to flush it out. 

Are the yellow caps supposed to be for keeping the faucets clean and unobstructed. 

Whole thing looks a little like a face:  the yellow caps are the eyes, the big center faucet is the nose, and the sink basic the big mouth. 

Maybe just my imagination, but I think it's saying "there are too many cooks in this kitchen, get the h*ll out!" :-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

December 16, 2019

Superhero Dress

This dress was a standout. 

Superhero dress by D&G. 

Comic style with the pow and bam!

I don't get the pig superhero logo on the jacket and other merchandise next to it. 

Uh, who wants to wear and look like a pig?

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  

D&G is off the deep end. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

December 15, 2019

The Best Jobs 2020 and Beyond

So I saw a smart video about which are the best jobs.

They are not the ones that just pay the most!

Here are the three criteria to look for in your next dream job (aside from the money):

1) Autonomy - Work that is self-directed provides satisfaction that jobs that are closely or micro-managed do not. 

2) Mastery - Jobs that allow you get better at them over time  (technical proficiency) provide a sense of mastery and self-respect. 

3) Purpose - When you have a deep sense of purpose and meaning from your work there is simply no greater motivator and satisfier than this. 

I'd also add that the best places to work are the ones with:
  •  The best bosses and the nicest people
  •  A solid balance for work and life

Overall, if we can reconnect the profit motive with the purpose motive then we have truly have the best jobs out there. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

December 14, 2019

Another Week, Another Anti-Semitic Attack

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, "Another Week, Another Anti-Semitic Attack."
From The Tree of Life Synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh to the Poway Synagogue shooting in California to the shooting at the kosher market in Jersey City this week. The latest shooting occurred literally just the day before President Trump issued an executive order at a White House Chanukah celebration to cover anti-Semitic acts under the civil rights laws that ban discrimination based on national origin. Yet, despite the Constitution and all the protective laws and orders on the books, we are getting to the point where it is starting to look and feel awfully like there is nowhere safe anymore if you are a Jew, even in this great land of freedom.

What anti-Semitism, G-d forbid, will the next week bring, and the week after that, and after that? This vile behavior coming from people that hate us just because we are Jews, because we are Jacob and not Esau. May our eyes be open to what is happening around us, and may Hashem have an abundance of mercy on us.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


December 13, 2019

Shabbat Shalom!

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

December 12, 2019

That's Eggcellent!

Eggcellent design from Boca Museum of Art.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

December 11, 2019

What I Want to Be When I Grow Up (LOL)

After all the work is said and done...

And there is still so much more that I earnestly hope and pray to accomplish with my life.

Perhaps, then, when I am all grown up, I can have some time to be a sun bum too. 

Everyone deserves a little fun. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

December 10, 2019

Training With Paper Airplanes

So I was in an Agile and Scrum Management class yesterday. 

Always looking for new best practices and efficiencies for what we are doing in software development. 

We did one exercise to compare the old Waterfall methodology with Agile. 

And the instructor had us as a team build paper airplanes one way and then the other so see the difference in output and outcome. 

Lo and behold, we had almost 40 planes in agile and only 6 in waterfall. 

What you see in the photo is the testing phase: we actually had to see if they could fly at least 10 feet without taking a nosedive.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

December 8, 2019

Operation Thunderbolt: Fighting Prejudice and Persecution

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Operation Thunderbolt: Fighting Prejudice and Persecution."
No people should suffer blatant prejudice and persecution and everyone should be “entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” These are part of the foundational values that America and Israel share. We stand as friends and allies for respecting and valuing human rights, always to be underscored by peace and security for our peoples. Isn’t it an amazing “coincidence” that the rescue in Entebbe occurred on America’s 200th anniversary, July 4, 1976!

The raid on Entebbe and the miraculous rescue of the hostages stands as an everlasting symbol of courage and triumph of good over evil. As we continue to work and pray for a genuine peace in the Middle East for all its inhabitants, we also must stand resolutely and say “Never Again.”

(Credit Photo: Government Press Office Israel via Flickr)


The Best of Jewish Nigunim

Shlomo Carlebach was a master of Jewish Nigunim (melodies).

With his music he could literally move one's soul to reach for G-d Almighty in the Heavens and on Earth. 

Thank you Eitan Katz for bringing this alive again.

I hope you can feel it as I do.

Hashem lives!

December 7, 2019

Faith Chases Out The Fear

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, "Faith Chases Out The Fear."
It’s interesting that faith and fear are incompatible and they cannot coexist. Where one is, the other is not. Just like the light chases away the darkness, so too does faith expel fear from our lives. When we believe that G-d is in charge of everything that happens, and that he loves us and ultimately wants what is good of us then what is there for us to fear?

No matter in what danger we find ourselves and no matter how scared we feel, we are not alone. The Master of the Universe is watching over us, waiting for us to raise our eyes to the heavens in faith, and to take a stand and do what’s right. If we do, then G-d will manifest himself to us and indeed “will carry, and will deliver” us.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


December 6, 2019

Fire Stripes on Buggy

Thought this VW with the fire stripes was pretty cool. 

Black, white, and red.  

Definitely a standout!

The only thing better is the VW van with the psychedelic hippie colors and fantastical images for hope and love.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal) 

December 5, 2019

Salad and Falafel

Continuing the healthy eating trend...

This was delicious salad and falafel with Tzatziki sauce and Italian dressing. 

It was so fresh and good.

Honestly, I wanted to eat more of this. 

Who needs all the junk foods. 

This looks good, tastes good, and is good for you!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

December 4, 2019

Now Dat's Customer Service

This was a sign that talks to a real customer service orientation:

"Suppose we refund your money.

Send you another one without charge.

Close the store.

And have the manager shot...

Would that be satisfactory?"

Actually no, that's not good enough!

While you're at it...

Bow down and kiss my filthy feet.

Flagellate yourself with 40 lashes using a wet noodle. 

Give me a complimentary supply of whatever the crap is I was buying for life.

And after you shoot the manager, hang him from the tallest tree for everyone to get the message.  LOL

Now dat's customer service!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

December 3, 2019

Two Things To Know

There are two things to know.
  • Know-how:  That's knowing how to do things yourself.
  • Know-who:  That's knowing who to go to to get everything else done. 

None of us is perfect.

We each have strengths and weaknesses.

No one has all the answers--despite some big egos out there!

That's why we all need each other.

Knowledge is great, but networking magnifies your potential many times over.

These are two things you definitely want to know. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

December 2, 2019

Ocean Waves Electric

Thought this was pretty cool at the Boca Museum of Art.

Electronic Ocean Waves. 

Mesmerizing and calming.

And all in bits and bytes. 

They also had a display of black and white photos of the ocean waves. 

But it was a little too sterile for me. 

I like nature and nurture in perfect harmony.  ;-)

(Credit Video: Andy Blumenthal)


December 1, 2019

Lifeguard Needs A Lifeguard

So I thought this was a funny story the lifeguard told me.

The guards are required to renew their lifeguard certification every two years. 

When I asked if he swims, he said "not regularly" and then when I asked if he exercises, he said half-jokingly: "I sleep, eat, and drink!"

But then he told me about the lifeguard exam and a couple of people who should've never been taking the test. 

One lady gets waist deep into the pool, and the proctor tells the lady to swim to the other side of the pool and back. Instead of swimming, she starts crying hysterically that she doesn't know how to swim!

Another guy was swimming funny with his arms flailing and his butt out of the water. When the proctor asked him what was up with that and to show him what was hiding under his trunks, the guy showed him that he was wearing an inflatable plastic band under his pants. 

Fail, fail, fail--these are life endangering guards, NOT "lifeguards!"  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)