Sony has so missed the mobile technology revolution.
In desperation, Sony has filed a patent for the SmartWig.
How incredibly useful (uh, not)?
Your faux hairdo can dial your hairdresser and make your
next appointment for you.
It can locate via GPS the nearest salon.
And the SmartWig can even take selfies while you admire
yourself in the mirror.
While Sony is goofing around again, and hasn’t had a hit
since the to die for Sony televisions of yore (and let's not forget the Walkman from 1980s), Google is moving out with
bravado on Glass.
Google is getting display space for Glass in eyeglass
retailers, and working with opticians to make prescription lens eye-Glass.
Let’s just say one company gets wearable technology and the
other is hiding under wigs in The Technology Hall of Shame.
Then again, one customer may be interested in talking with
Sony—the CIA for undercover operations.
Maybe a Smart Groucho Marx mustache that automatically
shakes out the soup after you eat would be a cool new product, as well--go for it Sony!
(Source Photo: here with attribution to Annetta)