Showing posts with label BYOF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BYOF. Show all posts

July 13, 2014

Starbucks - BYOF

Okay, this was the second week in a row at Starbucks that I've seen people BYOF.

BYOF = Bring Your Own Food.

This gentleman relaxing on a Sunday has brought his ziplock bag and with some nice looking pound cake at that.

Message to Starbucks...either your food is really bad, overpriced, or perhaps a little of both. 

You pride yourself on your coffee and everyone pays a premium for it, but you are slacking on the food side of the coffeehouse. 

Seems like a big opportunity--fix your food (finally!) and make gazillions of dollars more off the addicted masses that flock to your coffee havens. 

My consulting fee...we can discuss. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
