November 22, 2024
February 12, 2024
June 16, 2023
May 26, 2023
May 21, 2023
New Elevator Parts
May 8, 2022
Beautiful Architecture
Over the terrace and into the sunset.
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Beautiful Architecture
September 22, 2021
Two Flutes Are Better Than One
Now, I know there are people that can play two flutes at once.
The real trick would be to be able to play three! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Two Flutes Are Better Than One
September 13, 2021
All The Presidents Men
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
All The Presidents Men
August 20, 2021
Invasion USA
This dragon is swooping over the side of this building.
It's not Hollywood, but downtown Santa Fe.
Shoot it with your laser blaster!
Or else he'll gobble you up and spit out your broken bones. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Invasion USA
August 19, 2021
Beautiful Building Architecture
Such beautiful pillars on this building in Miami.
Colorful, vibrant, energetic!
Wow, I think I'd like to see a whole building like just like this. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Beautiful Building Architecture
March 4, 2020
Majestic Architecture of Department of Commerce
Majestic Architecture of Department of Commerce
February 16, 2020
Israel 2020: Day 7
Today, we went to the Kotel (Holy Western Wall) in Jerusalem.
We went on a special tour of the Kotel Tunnels.
Got to see the foundation stones under the Temple Mount where legend has it that G-d created the world from and where Abraham went to sacrifice Isaac.
This is also the place where the first and second Jewish temples stood.
We literally got to see so much of the ancient underground building stones, pillars, arches, bridges, waterways, and even learned how they think that these mega limestones (weighing over 520 metric tonnes) were moved into place so many thousands of years ago with pulleys, gears, and levers.
It was a fascinating and fun tour.
Thank you to my son-in-law and daughter for getting us tickets to this.
Lovely time by all. ;-)
(Credit Video: Andy Blumenthal, and sorry about turning it sideways once it gets to the underground waterway)
Israel 2020: Day 7
January 29, 2020
Street Art Wow
This mural on the side of a building in Philadelphia is just amazing.
It takes a regular street (even next to an abandoned lot) and makes it eye-popping.
Some people seem to walk by and not even notice.
I'm not sure how. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Street Art Wow
June 20, 2019
Around The Corner
While I still don't really like the plain cinderblock underneath...harsh, boring.
The colorful, Jenga-type pieces stacked interestingly on each side makes a nice inviting presentation.
So I guess you would say this is an acceptable way to cut corners. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Around The Corner
June 18, 2019
Beautiful Architecture, Washington DC
This fine exquisite pattern is all around this building by Metro Center.
I think this must've been restored over the last few years, because I don't remember it being this colorful and awesome in the past.
Civilization can still create some amazing works...whether technology, medical cures, and even beautiful pieces of artwork.
Now we just need to proceed with the positives of creativity and productivity without destroying ourselves with indifference, dysfunction, and mismanagement in the process. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Beautiful Architecture, Washington DC
August 16, 2017
Rain Spill On Building
The way the rain splattered down the side of this building.
The water hitting only on top and then trickling down the side like a big spill.
"The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain," but in Washington, D.C., it falls down the side of the buildings in these weird artistic patterns.
When I was a kid, I remember when it rained, my father would tell me positively and jokingly, "Ah, we're getting a free car wash today!"
Isn't it amazing how G-d made the world where it rains, and provides us not only the water to drink and sustain ourselves, but literally a shower to clean our cities and wash away the dirty excesses.
The ecosystem is just an amazing array of literally everything we need and with checks and balances to keep the goings-on of the world suitable for His children. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Rain Spill On Building
May 2, 2016
613 From Elevator To Seaweed
613 From Elevator To Seaweed
October 13, 2015
Fantastic Drone Capabilities Coming
Exciting video by Futurism on what drones can and will do.
Wall landings.
Drone on drone landings.
Playing catch.
Building a rope bridge.
These little drones are so versatile and dexterous that perhaps what they can do is only limited by our imagination.
Soon drones will do everything from caring for people's personal needs to building our cities, fighting diseases from within our very bodies, and conducting open warfare on the battlefield and behind enemy lines.
Fantastic Drone Capabilities Coming
April 14, 2015
3-D Printing Comes To Life
(This little guy pictured here was made experimenting in the class and was a precious gift from her.)
Already prophetically envisioned in Star Trek as "the replicator," this technology has been around in primitive trial form since the 1980's.
In 3-D printing, alloyed material is successively layered under computer control to make complex shapes and products.
It makes traditional 2-D printing (on paper) look like rubbing two sticks together to build a fire (circa the paleolithic period of mankind thousands of years ago).
The promise of 3-D printing for advanced manufacturing is absolutely incredible.
The Wall Street Journal describes how NASA researchers and engineers are working toward using 3-D printers in space to "make bricks suitable for airtight buildings and radiation proof shelters" simply using the sand already on Mars.
Moreover, the astronauts on their journey may be eating pizza from these printers as well (except for the sand, but still probably better than MREs--Haha).
Already objects have been printed "19 feet long...stone-like building blocks weighing one-and-a-half ton each"!
In the future, 3-D printers could be sent in advance to planets we look to colonize and "lay down landing pads, roads, and shelters" in preparation of our arrival.
These printers could even build working replicas of themsleves or "swarms of self-assembling construction robots" boosting our capacity for even more building.
Moreover, technology is in the works to recycle from 3-D printing by melting down the printed products back into material that could be reused for new printing projects.
On Earth, where we have long been drawing down our natural resources as well as polluting our environment, the prospect of going to other worlds where their are new resources and we actually have the ability to use them constructively is humanity's chance for a whole new chapter of life beyond. ;-)
(Source Photo: Rebecca Blumenthal)
3-D Printing Comes To Life
March 24, 2015
Building and Flowers
I saw this hanging in a high-end home decor store around Washington, D.C.
I like the side-looking angle upward as the building rises and peaks.
Also, all the shapes with squares, spheres, columns, archways and more along with all the brillant colors around it makes this something special to look at.
Hope you enjoy it! ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Building and Flowers