That is when 25-years ago, I first met and went out with my lovely wife, Dossy.
I picked her up at work in mid-town, and wined and dined her at Ratner's on the Lower East Side in NYC.
We talked, laughed, and I couldn't take my eyes off her!
We ended the evening with her writing her phone number in lipstick on a little piece of paper, and she told me to call her again.
I came home in 7th heaven, and my dad asked me how it went, and smiling ear-to-ear, I said "This is the one!"
My dad said, "It's the first night of Chanukah, the holiday of miracles, so please G-d!"
I think Dossy and I went out 2 more times just that week, and the rest is beautiful history.
Thank you Hashem for mercifully granting my lovely wife and two beautiful daughters, Minna and Rebecca.
I appreciate every moment of every day with Dossy and my girls--for the precious time on Earth we have together, for caring when the chips are down, for celebrating the good times, and for putting up with me. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)