Apparently, he was one of the founders of the shule.
This grey headed, stooped man walks slowly forward carrying a small oxygen tank with wires dangling in his jacket and to his nose.
The man stands on the dais and says:
"I am 91-years old, and the doctor says I have this, that, and the other thing, and I am terminal.
It was very hard for me to get here today in my condition, but I wanted to speak with you all.
I have lived a good life, but not an easy life.
My life was a rollercoaster--at one time I had six cars and another time just one car, for the most part I had enough money, but never a lot of money.
Now, I ask myself what is really important.
When I have shortness of breath then nothing seems so important anymore--and it is the simple things that really count.
My son called the other day to tell me that he is being given more responsibility at work--not just his teaching responsibilities anymore--and he won't have time to call so often anymore.
So while I've studied and explored all facets of thinking from Shintoism and Buddhism to communism and socialism, in the end, I realized that I have the Torah and am a just simple Jew from Fez.
I wanted to be here with you today to ask you all for your forgiveness so that I can go on as I am very sick and am terminal.
I don't know when I will get to see you all again." ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)