Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Lessons in Life and Meschlichkeit."
(Credit Photo: makamuki0 via
Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Lessons in Life and Meschlichkeit."
Lessons in Life and Menschlichkeit
We're Not Prepared
Worried About the Nukes?
Lots of beads.
Bright colors.
An end to Covid blues. ;-)
(Credit Photos: Andy Blumenthal)
Fashion 2022
But I wouldn't call it "eggcellent," because there is a lot of world instability and fear looming on the horizon.
Are we looking at competition, conflict, and even possible areas of collapse or a much rosier outcome in the order of things?
Like a bunch of eggs.
Will it be a year of Broken, Scrambled and Mashed or Sunny Side Up and Eggs Over Easy?
Either way, we had better hope and pray that we don't get fried and burned. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
A 2022 New Year of Eggs
We’re all different, and we all have something to say and contribute to solve life’s challenges. While some of us may think that they are better than others, the reality is that we are all human, fallible, and subject to life’s circumstance and G-d’s mighty hand. However, too often, we let ego get in the way, and instead of taking on the huge, almost insurmountable challenges that we face, we end up fighting about who’s in charge and who gets the credit.As we face the daunting challenges confronting America, Israel, and the world, we need effective “servant-leaders,” who are guided by a genuine moral compass and faith in G-d to take well-reasoned actions and not to punt the problems down the political road. Real leadership means leaving your ego at the door; it means self-sacrifice, compassion, creative thinking, and bold problem-solving. Big challenges can be dealt with, but we’ve got to have the right measure of ourselves, strength of character, and unity of purpose to finally overcome them.
Dancing on the Head of a Pin
- 20 years of blood and treasure: $2,000,000,000,000, and 2,500 lost US military personal and G-d knows how many casualties (oh, about another 20,000)!
Now complete and utter chaos, and a turnover to terrorism.
Reminiscent of Iran's overthrow of the Shah and the U.S. hostage crisis for 444 days and when we lost Vietnam and the helicopters frantically evacuating US embassy personnel from the rooftop.
BTW, what happened to our "Red Lines" on chemical weapons in Syria?
Where are our inherent values and the dependability of who we are and what we stand for?
Now we are once again emboldening Iran, North Korea, China, and Russia.
Moreover, US Admiral says China is within 6 years of potentially taking Taiwan (guess where most of the computer chips are made and we already have a shortage)!!!
On top of this we have the Delta variant of Covid (and fears of worse coming) for this 1.5 year long pandemic with the CDC mask on again/off again non-sensical guidance.
Then we have a $1,200,000,000,000 infrastructure bill and a $3,500,000,000,000 social welfare bill in the works to put on top of the US already almost $29,000,000,0000,000 national debt.
Any ideas what that will do to the value of the US currency in the world and inflation rearing its ugly head.
I am starting to see a run on food and home stables in the stores again with items sold out.
Consumer confidence is shaking and the stock market is teetering off at a very high precipice.
Oh, don't forget the border crisis which is getting out of control again.
What the F*** is going on here? ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Disastrous Politics
So much for having the masks off for a couple of weeks, which was at least a taste of fresh air and freedom.
But backwards we go...
A sign of the times in Covid is to park your bicycle in front of the couch, so no one can actually sit down on it and spreads any germs.
Any bets on what happens from here with all the variants and how this is gonna impact our daily lives for time to come?
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Sign Of The Times
And they have a hand sanitizer version too.
This product's naming, labeling, and marketing is over-the-top even for a spoof product.
Ah, I think I'll forever hold off on the handshaking even if there is an after-Covid. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Isn't This Brand Just A Little Too Forward
We are all reeling from the devastating deaths of 45 Jews on Lag B'Omer at Mount Meron (and many others critically injured) from a stampede during the bonfire celebration near the grave of the holy Kabbalist, Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. Last night, we were glued to the new as the body count kept going up. I couldn't help thinking to myself that this is something that happens in the masses of people that gather in India or Saudi Arabia, not in the tiny State of Israel. But lo' and behold, tragedy can strike anywhere, anytime. Life is completely tenuous!So can we draw conclusions that in those days there was baseless hate and so too in our times. I think, while we don't know G-d's ways, certainly from experience and observation, we do know that there is not only baseless hate, but also plenty of "hate the baseless". And what I mean by that is that one type of Jew thinks they are better than another whose beliefs, faith, and observance we denigrate and deem baseless, without support and they without real merit...We are forever driven towards a "Better than thou" attitude and lifestyle. To the religious catcalls of "get out of our neighborhood slut" or the throwing of Shabbat rocks at passing cars. This all has got to stop!
Mount Meron and Hating The "Baseless"
Not as good looking as the muscular bald guy.
But I have a feeling this colorful character gets the job done.
I wonder if Mr. Clean was transformed into this guy after he took the vaccine!
I had the first dose yesterday, and I'm feeling horrible today.
Hopefully, it will all be worth it. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Covid Ultimate Mr. Clean
Walk Fort Lauderdale Beach
Wow, what a vibrant fashion display of color at Macy's!
This is bold.
This is fun.
This is exciting.
This is alive.
We're coming from the Covid dead back to the pre-pandemic life!
Take out your stimulus checks and get ready to spend.
There is still hope for humankind. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Vibrant Fashion Colors
For the end of the world.
If not Covid then for the next big one!
You want to look you best when the world is destructing.
Always look your best! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Fashion Masks
Full coverage.
Nice golden shine.
No need to brush your hair or put on makeup.
And no one can tell your sleeping in meetings. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Better Covid Mask
The sign says simply:
Smell Me!!
The response to this now-a-days would be the person with Covid yelling back:
I can't smell (or taste) anything!
Now frustrated, the other person replies:
But please, please smell me.
Second person, tries and tries again:
Sniff, sniff--darn, the sniffer just isn't working.
Get out the smelling salts!
Six months later, I still can't smell a skunk in the same room.
What type of crazy pandemic is this! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
The Sniffer Isn't Working
This world has gone to sleep.
It's not the world of life I used to know.
Now fear and isolation pervade about.
Things aren't even what they seem or they seem to be what they aren't.
Everything is glossed over and black and white are easily substituted.
There used to be a moral ground and a forward path.
Now you have to have a stronger faith and inner conviction than ever before.
To see the light at the end of the tunnel and hope it's the light we all yearn for. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
What's With This Crazy World?
Moreover, we have reached over 350,000 dead in less than a year, with the projection by April 1 to be 567,000 dead or another 217,000 gone in just the next 3 months!
Despite numerous pharmaceutical companies coming up with a Covid vaccine, the distribution here is being botched every day.
In December, we vaccinated less than 1% of the U.S. population with a first dose, despite having been promised that 20 million people would be vaccinated, while another country like Israel has vaccinated 12% of their population.
So while we are experiencing the equivalent in terms of deaths of another 9/11 just about every day now, our government and their partners are pathetically slow in reacting to save lives!
Recently, I contacted my local authorities and received a form email back that basically told me they still know virtually nothing:
"We are currently focused on the registration of vaccination sites, the distribution and administration of vaccines in Phase 1, storage and handling, and overall communications, including ensuring patient follow-up and second dose reminders. We expect additional updates on increased vaccine production in early 2021 from our federal partners. As we learn more from the federal government, we will adjust..."I am appalled to see so many sick people and families and friends affected and people needlessly dying every minute of every day.
I am wondering why there is not more of an uproar and outrage from the people (even as a new more contagious variant is spreading) or is a 9/11 every day now an acceptable casualty count?
I can virtually guarantee you that if/when this is done, there are going to be how many lawsuits, investigations, and commissions looking into how this got so mishandled and resulted in so much suffering and loss of life.
(Credit Photo: Pixabay)
It's 9/11 Every Day in The U.S.
Aside from the very disappointing and dysfunctional rollout so far (less than 3 millions first doses in the time that they promised 20 million), the virus is mutating!
Hence the new yet more contagious Covid virus now going around.
I wouldn't get my hopes up too high on the results of the vaccine quite yet.
Hype is the opioid of the masses.
Like the flu, Covid may be over when pigs can fly. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Covid May Be Over When Pigs Can Fly
But I am hearing that Covid is spiraling around just about every family that I know now.
The new most contagious Covid variant is in at least 3 states, but I would suspect it's in all of them by now. We'll find that out way after the fact.
G-d only knows whether the Covid vaccines will work on the mutated Coronavirus and how this will impact the runaway pandemic. Will it be back to the Vaccine drawing board?
While many healthcare workers have been extraordinary during these difficult times, I've been appalled at some recent cases of horrible care.
Example 1:
Went to CVS Minute Clinic, they gave me some antibiotics, but said go this afternoon for a Covid test, which I had already booked prior at another CVS location that does the tests.
I drive 10 miles sick to go there, and when I arrive they tell me, they don't have my appointment anymore even though I show them "black and white" my confirmation! "The system must've kicked you out because you were at another CVS earlier in the day." I said, I need to be tested, and they were adamant that there was nothing they could do. Their completely incompetent store manager told me to call and make another appointment for another day. I said, I waited two days for this appointment, drove ten miles, and waited a long time on line. He said, that's too bad and I should call the 800 number if I wasn't happy. I said, it's your mistake, so you call the 800 number. I told him I wasn't leaving the line until they resolved this. The manager was a rude SOB, but finally one of the pharmacists said the nurse can put me back in the system and they would in fact see me.
Well, lo and behold, a day passes, and I get a call the test didn't work. Make another appointment. Ok, now I really have no choice. I go to another CVS, this one was actually much better and gave comprehensive instructions on how to take the Covid test. So much for good CVS and bad CVS!
Example 2:
Someone else in my family was sick and also goes to the CVS Minute Clinic. They give her not much more than Tylenol. But tell her to make another appointment to take care of her ear. She makes an appointment, and I take her to yet another CVS location the next day. Well guess what, the Physician's Assistant refuses to treat her ear. He sits us down and tells us that he has a wife and kids at home and doesn't want to possibly get Covid since she was at the Minute Clinic the day before. I explain that all they gave her was Tylenol. He says, "Anything can be Covid! And I'm not going to go in the room to clean out the ear for maybe 20 to 30 minutes." Well then why in the hell did this guy go into the medical profession?
Example 3:
I contact another pharmaceutical outlook (not CVS) for a prescription. They quote me $2,500 dollars. I say "That's 10 tens what they usually charge me so there must be a typo." Oh no, that's the price for the branded drug. Maybe you meant the generic which is only $250! Same drug but ten times the price!
I'm sorry folks our healthcare system in the U.S. is very broken indeed. By calling attention to these things, I hope to bring positive change for all our sakes. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Horrors in U.S. Healthcare