So I overhead a conversation of 2 young women in Starbucks talking about their college education.
One of them while acknowledging that she enjoys her classes, says, "But I still don't feel that I am learning anything practical!"
He friends responds saying, "Yeah, all we learn is X+Y, but what does that do for us in real life?"
The first young women says, "They need to emphasize the practical things and teach us personal finances, fitness, healthy cooking, and so on."
The second young women starts repeating, "X+Y, X+Y, that's all they teach us!"
I couldn't help but chuckle at this point, even though it was sort of sad.
The education system is known to be so bad in this country, especially until you get to college.
We've gone from No Child Left Behind to Every Student Succeeds, but no matter what you call it--it's still a big C-R-I-S-I-S.
According to Ranking America, the US ranks 14 out of 40 countries in education--behind Netherlands and Poland.
Moreover, we rank 2nd in ignorance about social statistics like teen pregnancy, unemployment rates, and voting patterns.
Moreover, we are falling behind in our competitiveness ranking in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), and are now 27th in math and 20th in science out of 34 countries.
We can't innovate, improve productivity, and effectively compete if we are just playing around with our education system.
If we don't change, X+Y may soon equal the bottom of the education barrel. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)