Invariably, it often turns out that there is someone else in that person's life.
The person is usually either too scared to confront the other person or is just a cheater and doesn't want to tell the other person, instead wanting to "have their Kate and Edith too." LOL
So "ghosting" is where the person just disappears, cuts off contact, or goes incommunicado.
It's sort of an avoidance strategy.
This leaves the other person not knowing what happened or why.
It's like the line just goes dead between the two people.
Sometimes, one person is clingy or forces themselves on another in which case, the other person may feel smothered, and therefore repels or wants to run in the other direction.
Other times, how do you tell someone that you just don't like them anymore?
Worse is if the person is cheating behind the other person's back, hiding it, and denying it--that's unforgivable!
When a person ghosts another, it's sort of like at work when someone get's marginalized.
No one wants to give honest feedback to the other person, so instead for some people it's just easier to avoid them and the topic altogether.
I think the point is not to hurt other people.
The question is how do you cut the strings with someone you don't like without getting into a huge, ugly confrontation?
Honesty is the best policy, and treating people the way you would want to be treated.
But for some people who don't take no for an answer, it's understandable that you may just want to have the phone on busy signal or you attempt to break contact.
Relationships are tough, and when they go bad, ghosting without at least trying to end it nicely can not only be rude, but also it's chicken to break it off as a ghost, and not a person. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)