Nimby, which stands for:
It refers to people who object to and don't want something unpleasant or dangerous in their neighborhood.
Homeless Shelters
Garbage Dumps
Radioactive Waste Sites
Oil and Gas Pipelines
Noisy Railroads
Polluting Factories
Adult Entertainment
Yes, society as a whole apparently wants or needs these things, but the individuals just want to see it someplace (anyplace) else.
People want the benefits, but don't want the costs and risks associated with these things near them.
The problem is when everyone feels this way then you are left either choosing somewhere despite the nimbyism protests or you have to locate them in remote places that are not always functional, fair or efficient for society.
Perhaps this is where incentives or compensation comes in for people to get in order to "put up" with the placement of things in their backyard that they rather not have there.
Is that what it means that nimbyism aside, "everyone has their price"?
(Source Photo: here with attribution to creative2/usa)