Showing posts with label Democracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Democracy. Show all posts

September 30, 2024

G-d Bless the IDF!


August 11, 2024

The TikTok Candidate

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "The TikTok Candidate."

In short, Vice President Harris, who everyone thought was worse than even President Biden and had the lowest net negative ratings of any vice president in history, has now, six weeks later, magically been transformed into arguably a leading candidate for the next president of the United States.

Essentially, she is the TikTok candidate, where the entire purpose of her statements, apparently all scripted, is superficial and solely to generate "hits," buzz, and votes. In fact, her website is blatantly devoid of policy and only has a place for asking for donations. Thus, instead of policy aims for our country, we are given at best platitudes and smirky, sarcastic lines from followers like "it depends on the context."

As an electorate, we must demand more of our candidates than to be glamorous and look the part. Glitz without substance is worthless!

(AI generated image via Designer)


July 7, 2024

They Are the Racists


Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "They Are the Racists."

This past Independence Day, a disgraceful, vile shadow fell over our celebrations. We witnessed so-called "protests" erupt again in violence, filled with smoke bombs, flag burning, and calls for intifada, "death to America," and violent jihad "by any means necessary." These weren't demonstrations for change; they were hateful displays demanding the overthrow of our nation and its core values.

We are a nation built on inclusion and respect for diverse opinions. But tolerance has its limits. When our communities, campuses, and cities are overrun by those who seek to tear down everything we've built, we must act.

Those who are here illegally or are on visas and cannot live peacefully forfeit the right to remain here. Deportation is a necessary conversation, a way to protect our nation from those who threaten its very core.

(AI generated image via Designer)


August 13, 2023

Not By Strength Alone

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Not By Strength Alone."

For Israelis and Jews around the world, success includes being powerful enough to defend ourselves from no longer being every demagogue and dictator's scapegoat, but much more than that, it means that we become a true "light unto nations." We want to be a democracy anchored in freedom and human rights. We also want to be a "Jewish State" (it's the only one in the world!) that is a haven for every Jew to come home to and that is culturally and religiously Jewish (but not a Jewish dictatorship). Israel will not survive by strength alone but rather by the spirit of Hashem (Zechariah 4:6). And so our values are to follow in G-d's path and do good in the world, fix what's broken, and make it a better place, and that includes, as the prophet Isaiah said, "beating their swords into plowshares." Moreover, we understand that G-d is not only the creator but also the perpetual master of the universe, and it is He who decides whether Israel behaves righteously and ultimately whether she will merit to stand for the duration this time and, hopefully, the final time.

(Photo: Alexi Rosenfeld, IDF/Creative Commons via

July 23, 2023

They Died So We May Speak

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "They Died So We May Speak."

Israelis are a people who are not afraid to speak their minds, and they are not afraid to stand up for what they believe in. Regardless of the outcome of the current controversies, I am proud to be a part of the Jewish people, and I am confident that the citizens of the Holy Land will continue to be a beacon of hope for the world.

(Photo adapted from Israel Defense Forces via

April 30, 2023

Lets Save Israel Now


Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Lets Save Israel Now."

After 17 weeks of virulent protests and plenty of animosity, one has to question whether the hateful politics surrounding judicial reform are bringing us ever closer to a dangerous breaking point. Certainly, all this heart-wrenching conflict of Jew against Jew is leading us down a terrible road of divisiveness, hate, and hurt for our people, country, and future. It is high time to change course and instead work together to solve our problems, mend differences, and unite in our faith as the proud children of the Maccabees against our common enemies.

(Credit Photo: Cottonbro Studio via

March 26, 2023

@Cherry Blossom Kite Festival


(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


March 12, 2023

Are Leftists Driving Us Off a Cliff?

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Are Leftists Driving Us Off a Cliff?"

2023 so far has been disastrous for Israel at home and in the public sphere as the world watches the leftists endlessly rally, scream, block highways, burn cars, steal tanks, name call, threaten, refuse military service, take money out of the country, shut down businesses, hurt the economy (check the stock market, currency, etc.), ask for international intervention, and create hate and disunity at a time when we need to work together more than ever.

The left protests that they have the moral high ground, but while they vie for power, they ostensibly don't seem to care whether, in the process, Tel Aviv is reduced to radioactive ash. Instead of being overly focused on power politics, let's listen to each other with respect and work together to constructively solve problems in a good way.

(Credit Photo: SHVETS production via

November 12, 2022

Hypersonic to a Global Showdown

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Hypersonic to a Global Showdown."

While Russia is losing steam and ground in Ukraine, make no mistake that Russia, along with China, Iran, and North Korea, are determined to not only stop but also throw back what they perceive as western imperialism. Instead, they only see more dictatorship and the strengthening of their own authoritarian systems.
While the hype in the news has been all about the proliferation of nuclear weapons, missiles, and drones, perhaps the real story is that we are moving at hypersonic speeds to a most dangerous global showdown between East and West. Blessed be the Holy One who is bringing us to a hopefully merciful final redemption.

(Source Photo: Bicanski;

August 15, 2022

A Beautiful Song From The Guardians of Zion

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "A Beautiful Song From The Guardians of Zion."

I was very moved by the Israeli police, who have dangerous jobs defending the borders and the cities of the Holy Land, yet singing unburdened about our home and heart!

The Jewish people are an incredible tapestry of amazing people from all over the world.

July 4, 2022

Kayaking @Lake Needwood

Happy 4th of July!

4th of July Cookies and Bagels


The old Red, White, and Blue. 

Here's to Democracy and Freedom!

(Credit Photos: Dossy Blumenthal)


June 14, 2022


(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


March 5, 2022

A Dream and An Honor


Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "A Dream And An Honor."

The soldiers of the IDF are so motivated and effective, because they are generally at peace with themselves as a moral Jewish Democracy who stand for what’s right in the region and in the world. Especially after the extermination of 6,000,000 Jews in the Holocaust, the IDF are truly holy warriors that defend the Promised Land of Israel and the Jewish people globally. I think FIDF is a wonderful opportunity to give back to the soldiers as they dutifully serve to protect all of us.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

February 24, 2022

Our Deterrence Is Lost

As Russia bombs and invades Ukraine.

The U.S. is sitting on its hands. 

NATO is in total disarray. 

The United Nations is a joke!

As Russia looks mighty, we look ever so weak!

Total body blow to world democracy and human rights.

Russia is free to murder, take what it desires, do whatever it wants.

And China is gearing up for Taiwan next.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


February 1, 2022

Drain The Swamp

We were promised they would "drain the swamp."

What happened with that?

It often still seems pretty dirty, dark, dank and swampy! 

We need real democracy, freedom, human rights, and justice for all people.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


January 30, 2022

People of Ukraine

It hit me today — with all the news about Russia preparing to invade Ukraine and devastate its people, unprovoked, there is nobody talking about the people of Ukraine.

Our leaders and news media are so misguided and focused on the geopolitics of the thing, all they talk about is what the U.S. and EU will do in terms of some measly sanctions.

But they have completely forgotten the innocent people there — 44 million of them — who face death and occupation.

Where is our leadership????

Where are the speeches about the innocent people? About freedom? About democracy? About human rights?

Where is the United Nations????

They are supposed to safeguard and maintain peace and security around the globe.

Where are the outspoken liberals who call out occupation, apartheid, and human rights abuses????

Not a word from anyone.

It’s incredible how prejudiced, biased, discriminatory and corrupt all these people can be. They can be brainwashed, bribed, and bought to speak out for those when it will somehow fit their agenda or benefit them!

But when the Russian or Chinese powerful aggressors are at the doorstep of Ukraine or Hong Kong/Taiwan — where is anybody to speak out?

Last night, I imagined the people of Ukraine sitting in fear, in worry about what will happen to them, their families, their homes.

Do the world leaders care anything about the lives of real people — men, women, and children — or only about how any conflict makes them look, and how they are polling, and the next election?

Morality and conscience — is it on life support or dead in this narcissist world of the powerful and elite. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


December 11, 2021

Dancing on the Head of a Pin

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Dancing on the Head of a Pin."
We’re all different, and we all have something to say and contribute to solve life’s challenges. While some of us may think that they are better than others, the reality is that we are all human, fallible, and subject to life’s circumstance and G-d’s mighty hand. However, too often, we let ego get in the way, and instead of taking on the huge, almost insurmountable challenges that we face, we end up fighting about who’s in charge and who gets the credit.
As we face the daunting challenges confronting America, Israel, and the world, we need effective “servant-leaders,” who are guided by a genuine moral compass and faith in G-d to take well-reasoned actions and not to punt the problems down the political road. Real leadership means leaving your ego at the door; it means self-sacrifice, compassion, creative thinking, and bold problem-solving. Big challenges can be dealt with, but we’ve got to have the right measure of ourselves, strength of character, and unity of purpose to finally overcome them.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


December 5, 2021

Israel: A Uniquely Jewish Miracle

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Israel: A Uniquely Jewish Miracle."

What a difference 73 years of the State of Israel makes! While the anti-Semites and anti-Zionists out there like to call us occupiers, colonizers, and an Apartheid state, it couldn’t be any further from the truth. The Jews are indigenous to Israel for four thousand years, and it is the Promised Land by G-d to our forefathers: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Moreover, Israel is a free and democratic nation driven to equality and progress, and with outstanding opportunity for all that are able to live peacefully together.
From a historical perspective, it is absolutely clear that after the Jewish people had been forcibly expelled by the Romans in the year 134, Israel fell into a state of wasteland and utter desolation...Contrast what Mark Twain and the others saw for hundreds of years in terms of the ruin, decline, and depopulation of the so-called “Palestine” (as named by the Romans “Syria Palaestina” to delegitimize the Jews from their promised homeland) with what Israel is today, and it is nothing short of a truly miraculous transformation back to its essence as the Garden of Eden.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


August 29, 2021

Israeli Determination and the Afghanistan Debacle

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Israeli Determination and the Afghanistan Debacle."
It’s not always the largest, strongest, fastest, and best financed that wins. Like with the story of David and Goliath or even one of my modern-day heroes, Rocky, the determination of the little guy can overcome the biggest and the best of them. The Taliban were patient and over twenty years continued to wage their struggle against us, but more than that they knew that our patience was limited and that eventually we would leave, and they took the long view and planned for the overthrow of the government and the return of their rule after we were gone. They waited us out and that can be an incredibly successful strategy!
Israel is the Jewish homeland and the Biblical Promised Land from G-d. What the Palestinians haven’t understood in all these years, since the State’s founding in 1948, is that no matter how long they try to wait us out, we have more determination than they have patience! The Jewish people will never give up our historical and legitimate rights to be a sovereign nation in our land, Israel. In the end, the Palestinians may be very patient, but we are the ones who are utterly determined: whether Ashkenazi or Mizrachi, Labor or Likud, Tel Avivian or Jerusalemite, one thing that we all fundamentally agree on is our sheer and utter determination as the Jewish people to survive and be a free nation in our land.

(Source Photo: Pixabay)
