Most professional (and even personal) communications should start with...
BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front).
This means that you start with the ending--in mind, on paper, verbally, and in digital format.
You provide the conclusion and/or recommendations right up front.
Rather than first wadding through all the details--context, analysis, considerations, assumptions, risks, etc.
Let the reader know right away what it is you want.
Generally, this is different than an abstract or summary that provides a synopsis and leading evidence for the argument put forward.
Tell me what I need to know and get right to the point! ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

When You Need To BLUF
I took this photo of this Design logo on the side of a bag this guy was carrying.
It is from the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum in NYC (and if I am ever back in town there, I'd like to go there).
I like this logo a lot...everything from DE*SIGN to all the descriptions of design and why it's so important to us.
- "Design is art people use." (Design is artisitic and creative)
- "Design is communication." (A picture is worth a thousand words)
- "Design is the stuff around us." (It's practical and functional)
- "Design is a verb." (Design is something we do from coming up with the concept to creating the end product)
- "Design is systems." (Design is how we format and package and is integral to making the content easy to use and come alive)
- "Design is a way of thinking." (Design is big-picture thinking that connects the dots)
- "Design is problem-solving." (Design uses visualization to understand and think through process and problems).
A good designer is invaluable and design is absolutely cool. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Design Is Cool