(Credit Photo: Minna Blumenthal)
May 18, 2023
July 10, 2022
Sprinkling of Jewish Wit and Wisdom
Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Sprinkling of Jewish Wit and Wisdom."
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Sprinkling of Jewish Wit and Wisdom
January 25, 2022
iPhone Generation
Friends are all sitting on the boat together.
One is even getting married, a bride-to-be.
Sky is clear and water is blue.
Yet not one person is looking up from their screen.
Apparently the virtual world is so much more intriguing.
Soon everyone will be lost in the Metaverse.
The real world left to become a cesspool that perhaps no one cares much about anymore.
Is this really what we call progress?
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
iPhone Generation
August 16, 2021
Claw Tub on Pedestal
Why is it filled with pillows?
Maybe it makes it more luxurious to bath in.
Only problem is there's no room for the person.
Reminds me of a funny poster from when I was a kid:
Save water. Bath with a friend! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Claw Tub on Pedestal
May 16, 2021
December 6, 2020
Making Things Right When There Is Still Time
Over the years, I heard bits and pieces about him, including that he was ill, and I tried through my other friends to reach out to him. Somehow, it never worked, and more time wore on. Recently again, when another old friend lost their parent, I read something that reminded me that I still had unfinished business with my friend that I had hurt. So now was as good a time as any to reach out.
Somehow hurting someone never really goes away. Those feelings are sort of immortalized in time. The hurt is tangible and become concrete in the genetic fabric of our souls. My soul told me that it was time to try to correct for a mistake I made. You never know how much time is left, and it is important to try to make things right.
Making Things Right When There Is Still Time
October 22, 2020
Swingers Swinging!
Swinging on the swing.
Arms around the other.
There's love between these two.
It's fun to swing together.
Caring and sharing.
Two is always better than one! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Swingers Swinging!
September 13, 2020
Purple Thingamajig
You can dance if you want to.
Even if you're a purple thingamajig.
You can leave your friends behind.
Cause your friends don't dance, and if they don't dance.
Then they're no friends of mine.
Dance purple thingamajig, dance! ;-)
(Credit Video: Andy Blumenthal)
Purple Thingamajig
August 28, 2020
Better Than Hand Sanitizer LOL
Just use this bottle of Social Belonging!
Better than dish detergent or hand sanitizer.
Good for attaining love, friends, societal and other belonging needs.
22 fluid ounces!
That's enough to get you through the Coronavirus quarantine's loneliness and then some. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Better Than Hand Sanitizer LOL
July 16, 2020
Missing Florida Vacations
Just missing getting out and down to Florida for a little vacation.
The palm trees. The sun. The beach. A little fun.
This isn't forever, right?
Hopefully, let's pray, Covid will be over and we can live again in freedom and without fear of contagion every moment of every day, day, day. ;-)
(Credit Photo of artwork: Andy Blumenthal)
Missing Florida Vacations
June 16, 2020
Just One Punch
It reminds of a childhood friend who was a fighter type.
Whenever somebody got on his nerves, he would bellow out in his machismo way:
I kill your whole family with one punch!
Honestly, it wasn't all that scary a threat even as it echoed.
But it was comical when everyone else would mimic the saying at the slightest annoyance.
Kids are people too, wakadoo wakadoo! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Just One Punch
December 13, 2019
November 26, 2019
A Song of Saul and David
Great song: David and Shaul from Ehud Banay's third album, ”The Third/Hashlishi”
The song is about the "bipolar" feelings of King Saul toward David (then the next king of Israel).
Here are the lyrics:
כולם מזמן הלכו לישון
רק שאול ער, קודר
מרים לדוד טלפון
נפשי אגם שחור
תביא איתך את הגיטרה
כי באצבעותיך אור
דוד בא מיד רגוע,
מתיישב ומכוון
את המלאכה היטב יודע
עוצם עיניים, מנגן
עשר אצבעות לדוד
קצה כל אצבע - קרן אור
כשהוא פורט על המיתר
הזמן זורם לו לאחור
קרבות בתוך בטנו
אוהב-שונא, ומקנא
מכור לחברו
השד חוזר להשתולל
סכין נזרקת באוויר
פתאום יש בין השנים קיר
דוד שוכח וסולח
כששאול מתקשר
קח אותי לכוכבים
בוא שוב לנגן הלילה
שיר געגועים
בוא שוב לנגן הלילה...
שיר געגועים...
A Song of Saul and David
November 15, 2019
Pelican Shabbos
Shabbat Shalom says Leo The Lion.
Shabbat Shalom says the Gefilte Fish.
Shabbat Shalom says the Long Beak Pelican.
(Photo Credit: Andy Blumenthal)
Pelican Shabbos
October 20, 2019
Having Each Other
Incredibly painful.
Difficult getting up from sitting or laying position.
Today, I was trying to walk it off a little.
One of my kids was walking with me taking good care of me.
We ran into a neighbor.
She was nice and asked about what happened.
I told her in brief and said how grateful I was for my daughter taking me for a little walk while I try to heal with G-d's help.
She smiled and said how lucky I was (which I acknowledged).
I asked if she had any kids, thinking that she did.
But she goes to me:
I have no one!
I was a little surprised that she didn't have anyone and how she said it.
I sort of repeated it quizzically.
She goes:
Well I did have a cat but she was 19 years old and I had to put her down.
I felt really bad for her, especially since I know she had an operation this last year and is planned for another one coming up.
I said that we're her neighbors and friends and that she can call on us whenever she needs someone.
This whole thing just made me so upset--no one should be so alone.
I really pray that G-d has mercy on his children and that no one should be alone and that we should all have caring and loving people around us always. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Having Each Other
September 11, 2019
Family and Friends
Better is a neighbor that is near than a brother that is far off.
I looked it up and saw that it is actually from Proverbs 27:10.
Thinking about it a little, I understand that obviously people that are close by can more easily be there and help one another than someone else who is far away.
At the same time, I always learned growing up that:
Blood is thicker than water.Family is family, and friends are friends. Family is forever, but friends can come and go.
Yet you can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family.
There are some friends that go back decades to childhood and they are almost like family.
Also, there are sometimes family that are disassociated or even "black sheep" of the family.
I guess in the end what's most important is how we feel about each other, treat each other, and are there for each other.
Whatever the designation--family or friends--we need each other. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Family and Friends
August 2, 2019
What's Your Relationship?
Level 3: Family/Friends
The highest form of a relationship where you are being authentic (i.e. yourself), you share deeply about yourself (thoughts, feelings, desires, mistakes, etc,) and you are vulnerable.
Level 2: Professionals
The middle level of relationships in which you are seeking to build trust and respect, you share some information (i.e. appropriate), and you expose yourself a little to the other person.
Level 1: Acquaintances
The most elementary of relationships that is superficial in nature, there is little personal sharing of information (i.e. mostly when you are asked a question and you feel comfortable answering it), and you remain guarded.
This is a good way to assess your relationships--is it a level 1, 2, or 3 and are you behaving appropriately within that, so that you trust, communicate, and collaborate effectively. ;-)
(Graphic Credit: Andy Blumenthal)
What's Your Relationship?
December 12, 2018
Loneliness Is Death
Frightening loneliness statistics:
- One in 11 Americans over age 50 "lacks a spouse, partner, or living child."
- More than 1 in 4 baby boomers is divorced or never married.
- 1 out of every 6 people lives alone.
Research indicates that loneliness leads to early death.
The impact of loneliness is equivalent to:
- Smoking 15 cigarettes a day
- Drinking 6 alcoholic beverages a day
Loneliness is worse for mortality than:
- Obesity
- Physical activity
"The effect of isolation is extraordinarily powerful...we have to address loneliness," says the former administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Whether you are extroverted or introverted, we all need human interaction, sharing, caring, touch, and love.
Truly, no man is an island!
Those that are stranded on loneliness island need to escape it and make their way back to human civilization.
Alone our lives are dull and stunted; but together, we have the inherent social dynamics to be able to experientially learn, grow, change and mature.
Alone we die--together we live.
It's not just power in numbers, it's life itself.
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Loneliness Is Death
November 19, 2018
Happy Friendsgiving
Of course, you know about Thanksgiving--when we celebrate with our family all the wonderful things in life that G-d has blessed us with.
Well now there is "Friendsgiving."
This typically occurs on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, and is enjoyed with friends (instead of family).
We are still grateful, but we just are thankful with a different set of significant others in our lives.
To me there is nothing like my family--as my father taught me:
Blood is thicker than water.
But friends are important in our lives as well, and good and true friends are so hard to come by--so we should celebrate them and with them whenever possible too.
Finally, I choose this flower, "Bird of Paradise" for this blog, because I love it and it is something wonderful from G-d that I am grateful for.
Happy Thanksgiving and Friendsgiving to All! ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Happy Friendsgiving
October 20, 2018
Shabbat Shalom and Good Luck On The Jackpot
So the Mega Millions jackpot is up to an astonishing $1.6B! This is the largest lottery in U.S. history. Instantly you become one of the richest people in the world. At the kiddush after shul today, it didn't take long for the conversation to hit on the upcoming lottery drawing.Read about it--it was funny! ;-)
(Source Graphic: Andy Blumenthal)
Shabbat Shalom and Good Luck On The Jackpot