So I had to laugh when I saw this Potty Mouth "work of art" award.
And it had a real potty in it too!
It reminded me of some foul-mouthed, but fun-spirited colleagues who actually used to keep a scorecard in the office with tick marks for each occurrence of cursing by person.
Let's just say that there were some clear winners on this account.
In many cases, they did it as a vent for all the frustration at work and also because they thought it was funny.
I remember my dad who was very religious and he used to say jokingly and with a big smile:
"Don't use that f*ckin language with me!"
Growing up as a Jewish kid even from the Bronx, it was never really an issue for us.
Although even I have to admit that sometimes hearing someone get really angry and spewing off like that--while not appropriate, it does let you know where their head is at--at least for that moment in potty time. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Potty Mouth Award
So these were some funny stories recently...
First, I came across an information system with a comical name.
Let just say that it rhymes with venus and starts with the letter P.
Well not exactly that word, but it very, very close.
When I heard it, I could not help but say, "That's an unfortunate [system] name."
That's the thing about names and really have to think about what they stand for and what they sound like or you can get yourself into some pretty ridiculous situations and problems.
Second story is when I was talking to this lady and I asked how she was feeling after going through some surgery and then having various complications from it.
She told me the pain and problems she was having, and the tests and doctors she is continuing to have to see ,and that physical therapy didn't help much.
I'm nodding and empathizing and then after this went on for a while, all I could say in dismay for all what she had been through was "Ay, yai, yai."
Then she asked me about how I was doing after my hip surgeries and I told her how grateful I was for the modern medical procedures and G-d's blessing that enabled me to walk again.
But what was really funny is that she then starts going, "Ay, yai, yai."
And as the conversation wore down, we were both looking at each other and practically saying in harmony, "Ay, yai, yai."
Anyway...sometimes there's nothing left to say but just that. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Rhymes With Venus